Even with a brand new baby the Clio is still does the trick. Can fit the pram wheels, body, baby bags and even a small suitcase in the boot at the same time (can't in the Corsa though).
Baby seat fits perfectly in the back seat also, though not sure it'd fit if we had the standard seats?
For me it is the fact that I'm gonna be doing 350 miles a week just up and down to work without any normal run a round driving. I really don't want to put that kind of mileage on the 200 and worry about stone chips. Love the car to bits and care loads about it but just care too much really to use it in that way! It's a toy to me but if I do end up keeping it then I'll just have to think about it differently I suppose!
Im only possibly selling due to the chance for an R26r. I can safely say that is the only car that can tempt me away from my 200.
If i miss the .r then so be it and i will continue to extoll the virtues of my Clio 8)
On another positive note, I've had the 200 almost a year now and I love it. It seems to sound better with age. It is the perfect mix of practicality and fun for me.
Well the pressure got too much for me. Been missing my old 197 after I traded him in for my R26, so I'm coming back to the fold with a replacement at the end of next month.
Car will probably be sorned for a few months whilst I get the spec back to what it deserves. Then the meg can have a break in the garage and I'll run the 197 for a while