Alien Green 200 Cup *** New AG 200 (number 3) from page 85***

Sounds like your going to need some form of parental warning for the car Noddie!

How was Knockhill btw?
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noddie change of address that ure wheels are going to lol Ill PM u if u dont mind? gunna get the tyres on em straight away
Deako has been threatened with being banned for posting Porn pics of his car, this is now also classed as porn.

200 porn.

AKA sex on wheels
it should be added to the swear list lol so it automatically puts a * instead of the picture lol
lmfao . . . . .. . .*acting dumb* i dont get what you meen by ure poor wrist lmfao.
Yeah, Ive got one but never used it :thumbup1:

The audio is great on them.

Yeah, definately good especially when you consider how cheap it is.

Only slight downside is that it sometimes decides to stop recording itself. I should have had more video but it stopped.
Wee update. Have ordered my OZ Ultraleggeras and am just waiting for them to arrive now. Hopefully they will come before the 7th of next month so I can get the Pea back on the track.




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