i may be being stupid but aren't the 048's the r888 equivalent? Although from what i hear worse in the wet than the 888's? I wouldn't suggest them as well as a set of semi slicks as they already are some

for what you are describing i would go with some 595's as they will shift a lot more standing water but still provide great grip. Wouldn't it work out cheaper to buy them in the uk and get them shipped over? From memory on my r27 i think they run 215/45 17's and here
http://www.racecarnewmedia.com/bmtr/news.asp?newsid=45 are selling them for £68 a tyre. I doubt they would charge too much to ship abroad.
Ps i run the 888's at 28psi hot on my mk2 clio and have no issues after 45-60 mins on track and the pyro always reads nice consistent temps across the full tyre. I suppose the mk3's are heavier and i can't remember what i used to run the 888's at on my r27.