Taking legal action against Renault, advice?

Okay im in a serious tight spot at the moment and im not sure which way to proceed.

Its a complicated story so please read if you have the time and hopefully someone could offer me some useful advice.

Approximately a month ago i lost the starter on my 2008 RS Clio 197 Cup, owned since new ( that being it wouldnt turn over ). Having only 2 months warranty left and it never being serviced at Renault i knew they'd never uphold any warranty work so bit the bullet and ordered a starter at £270.
A week later the starter arrived and i fitted it myself at work, however this failed to cure the non-starting issues, all the obvious things were checked, interior fusebox, relays, supply wires to solenoid and starter etc etc.
In the end i threw the towell in and took it down to my local Renault dealer, Toomey Southend. They charged me £40 to scan the ECU for faults and have a quick look over the car.
An hour later they come back and inform there are NO faults on the ECU and its likely to be an ECM control unit needing changing, but they'll have to keep it a week to perform more diagnostics. I was quoted approximately £1000 upwards for the work!
Obviously i nearly passed out when they said this so i gratefully paid the £40 for the scan and left no better off.
Rang a few specialist companies from the forum until i spoke to Track-Group ( formerly TDF ) who said they'd be happy to have a look and were confident they could find the fault and rectify it much cheaper, they even offered to stay open late whilst i made the 2 hour journey.
When i arrived the first thing they did was scan the ECU. To my suprise there was 3 logged faults on there! One for ABS sensors ( which i assume was from a rolling road session a few months back ), o2 sensor fault from the decat and a knock sensor fault from nitrous use. They were all logged faults and not active. When i told Matt that Renault didnt inform me of these faults they suggested Renault didnt even bother scanning it?
So they began to look at the car, i was expecting bad news from the pros and would have to leave my car there but to my amazement within 5 minutes ( literally ) the car fired up to life. Turned out to be a FUSE in a hidden/sealed fusebox under the battery tray. The repair was made free of charge.

Okay so although i was grateful of the car being repaired i was angry at Renault on two counts. Firstly they either didnt bother doing the scan and charged me for it, or failed to inform me of the faults on there, including a brake system fault. Very serious stuff. And secondly tried to have me over for £1000+ for what effectively would have been a fuse change! Bad enough to accept that they either couldnt diagnose a simple fuse in an hour or were clearly trying their luck.

So i called Renault UK to make a complaint ( 3 weeks ago ) and spoke to a chap called Adrian. He agreed this was unaccecptable and said he'd get back to me after speaking to the dealer. The next day he calls back to inform me he's secured me a refund and the service manager at the dealers will be getting in touch. After a couple days i hear nothing so ring Adrian back, he was confused that i hadnt heard anything and agreed to get on their case. This same routine then recycled on for 2 weeks, me hearing nothing, complaining and then being assured i'll hear something. After 2 weeks i ring the dealer direct, but can never seem to catch the service manager avaliable and he refuses to return my calls, even after several attempts.

So today i think enough is enough. I phone Adrian back at Renault UK and he then informs me Toomey Southend have decided to withdraw the refund and are claiming they have done nothing wrong. I spend the next hour arguing on the phone but he assures me because they are a franchise he has 'limited power' over them and has tried his best for me. So i said i'd take the complaint direct to Toomey Southend so i asked for the name and contact number of the head manager at the dealership. He then said the most rediculous thing, and i quote 'I dont know, we dont have that information avaliable to us'. I then asked how me managed to contact them then and he stuttered and just added 'I appreciate your frustration but this matter is closed'.

I said i wanted to take the complaint further and he informed me i couldnt and this is as far as the matter would go no matter how much i persisted, even though the dealer has clearly cheated me out of £40 and tried for another £1000. He refused me to give me any contact details for the dealer then eventually hung up.

Okay thanks for reading if you've kept with me :smile: Firstly i need to know how do i take this complaint further with Renault? i'm not happy to leave it at that. I attempted to contact the dealer again today but got the same old 'he's not avaliable but will call you back asap'. I heard nothing.

If thats as far as it will go with RENUK surely i must have some sort of rights as to the service they have supplied opposed to what they have charged for? At the very least there must be some governing body i can report the fact to that they allowed the vehicle to leave the workshop without even advising me of a braking fault logged on the ECU?

Thanks for reading, hope someone could offer some help :smile:

Wow, that sounds bad. Renault UK shouldn't be doing that. I'd go in to the dealer and ask to see the manager.
problem you have got is you cant prove that the dealers didnt scan the ECU, and also you cant prove the the logged errors were made before or after you took the car to renault. if you could prove this then i would even seek legal advice. But if cant i wouldnt bother wasting your time.
Ben that sucks. I'm so happy I don't have a **** dealer to go to. I'm lucky and have **** hot one. They have ALWAYS sorted me out even at short notice.

As for going further with the matter your right there must be some sort of governing body you can speak to or something. It isn't right that they have charged you £40 for what appears to be a complete cock up.

Then to say they want another 1k for like you say something that is effectively just a fuse that needed replacing is an utter joke! Not to mention the FACT that them being a RENAULT dealer should have absolutely realised that it was a fuse and the problem is easily rectified. Infact I would even go so far as to say that it's a shameful embarrassment for the dealer that have been 'dealing' (if you can even call it that) with your problem.

Hopefully you will get through to the right person eventually who will be able to escalate the matter further and in essence atleast get you your £40 back.

Good luck dude.
Ben, I don't think there is much you can do. The braking fault was only minor otherwise it would have caused a warning light; the dealer may have scanned the faults but not found any that were relevant to the issue and just didn't clear them.

If the car was within warranty and had been serviced by a VAT registered garage then your warranty would have been honoured, it doesn't need to be a Renault dealer.

From reading what you have written it seems that you are more cross about the principle, being as they tried to charge you £1,000 when it was just a fuse. The refund of the £40, while still £40, is arguably not worth getting worked up about.

Your best option is probably a letter to the dealer principal, though as far as the dealer is concern you never actually instructed them to find the fault, just to scan the ECU, which the claim they did. They warned you that if you did want them to find the fault it could be time consuming and the costs could be significant. As it was you went elsewhere to someone who had a good idea of what the problem might be; while it is right to be disappointed that the Renault dealer wasn't similarly helpful, that isn't their fault, but does suggest that their technicians aren't especially experienced in fault finding.

While I empathise with your frustration, I don't really know what you are hoping to get out of this?
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My £40 back and an explaination as to why a trained engineer familiar with these cars cannot find a blown fuse when it took an independent garage 5 minutes would be nice?
the dealer ben took the car to isnt a renault UK main dealer

Ye, I mean RUK shouldn't be promising a refund and then not delivering. They shouldn't be putting the phone down on a customer either.
There are steps you can take ben, but it would literally be for the £40, claiming they obviously did not provide an adequate service if an independent business managed to fix it in 5 minutes but it might not be worth the time and money it might cost. You could also take further action with the intent of getting that dealer investigated to find out whether they are actually competent in operating as a renault dealer.

You could either take the claim to a small claims court or rely on the Office of Fair Trading (maybe) to point you in the right direction and start an investigation on them as the UK is part of the EU, there are plentyyyy of regulations in force to protect the consumer. I'm shattered at the moment but if I get time in the week I will try and find out the body you would need to go to for your claim.

If it was me I might just bite the bullet and leave it or I would go down there personally and trick them into getting the manager out so I could rip into him basically.
My £40 back and an explaination as to why a trained engineer familiar with these cars cannot find a blown fuse when it took an independent garage 5 minutes would be nice?

Ben half of them are not trained engineers I found that out the other week when it took them 2 hrs to change my steering wheel.
Did you not get a receipt ?? And do they not get a read out when it's on a diagnostic machine?? You should at least get your money back
Yet another example of the crap customer service that renault offer. I can understand your frustration and anger.

Last winter I had a cracked rear window under the wiper, right where the hole for the wiper motor is, took it to the dealer and the service manager claimed it was obviously a stone chip, I asked how that could be possible due to the place of the crack, his response was that the gritter lorrys had been out and they thro stuff out of them.... To suggest that a small piece of rock salt cracked glass showed that the technical knowledge he possessed was about as small as his respect for customer service.

I arranged for autoglass to come out and replace the window, as soon as he started the job it became apparent that the wiper motor was not secured properly and that was the reason
for the failure of the window. With this I called Renault who quite frankly couldn't give a toss...

I promtly posted a complaint on the RenaultSport forum and had a full apology within the hour.

May I suggest you try the same tactic and copy/paste your post onto their site.
be persistent, post it around the forums and make a nuisance of yourself, if renault don't get back to you through the renaultsport forum or otherwise go to the dealers and give them a mouthful, it might not get you that £40 back but you'll feel better for it.
bad publicity will cost the dealers a sight more than £40 so spread the word
Ben, that is pants dude!

But try what I did, I put up a post explaining how appalling Renaults service was when I had corrosion issues on the alloys on Renaultsport.co.uk where everyone can see it on a site run by Renault.

The very next morning, I had a phone call solving the problem, after months of fighting them :smile:
Man this doesn't sound good! I know exactly how you feel! I like the sound of the idea of posting on the renaultsport forum, seems to have worked for others. Im slightly worried now as ive just booked my first service with Toomey Southend (Rochford?) and from this it sounds as if they aren't exactly . . . Any good? lol :/ shiiiiit
Nick that's the exact same dealer, I would advise strongly about changing your mind and going elsewhere. My mate had a 172 go in earlier this year and he caught the technician taking it for a somewhat spirited test drive around the corner. Needless to say he advised me never to go there, if only I'd listened!

If you do cancel though be sure to mention me as the reason, that'd cheer me up lol :smile:
As some other people said above. I think the best bet would be to put a post up on the Renault sport forum.

Its a real shame that the Renault dealers "Franchises" can not all be consistent. The fact is, there is probably a very high percentage of Renault sport drivers that do not use this particular forum and they take there cars to these dealers.

I can see the only way in this day and age to get something out in the open for all to see is to use social networking. Id love to compile all of the problems with the dealerships we have and send it to RUK, but I fear this will only resort to this being filed under B (Bin)
you have two complaints -

one with ruk over crap customer service and support

the other with the dealer over being blind!!! - generally make a nusience of yourself they will pay up
*******s! :/ defo not going there now! Was the cheapest i got quoted aswell! :worried: will have to see if another dealer can match it.