07 April 2012;
Just a quick update and some photos for y'all to cast your eyes over...
Whilst I was down in Tamworth last week, a big box full of 64mm TBs arrived at the parentals for me. I have to say I'm impressed with the quality of the work by Gav, they look very good indeed. I tried two of them on Nicole earlier today, just to see if the behaviour was consistant with what Litchy had with his. The answer is, thankfully, yes. The 64mm TB was idling at ~1,500RPM and was sticking at 3,000RPM when stationary if you revved above that exactly as Litchy found. However, under load it dropped back down to normal, i.e; when pulling away the revs droped to where you'd expect them to be. I swapped over and tried another 64mm TB... With this TB on, the idle was slightly lower at ~1,250RPM but the sticking at 3,000RPM issue was completely resolved. I went for a bit of a blast around the block and initial impressions is that there's more eagerness in the lower rev range. After returning and leaving Nicole off for 10 mintues, I restarted her and the idle was now settling at ~2,000RPM and the sticking at 3,000RPM issue which wasn't there originally with this TB was now there. I had a bit of a panic to be honest and phoned Litchy, but it seems that this ties in well with what he experienced for the first couple of days/miles. Consistancy is the key.
For the time being I've put the 60mm TB back on Nicole as I've always said I don't really want to fit mine until I'm having it mapped, but no doubt I will because it'll do my head in seeing it sat on the windowsill in the kitchen. Interestingly, upon starting her up after putting the 60mm TB back on, the idle was at ~500RPM for the first 5-10 seconds before returning to the usual ~1,000RPM. This tells me that the ECU had started to adjust to the new airflow, so that's a positive thing. Nicole is now running as normal, no issues and no warning lights after my experimentation.
What I noticed in a short blast around my local test track is that there was a whole heap more torque at lower revs and more eagerness. With none of the throttle lag I was half expecting...
And here's the technical stuff for you all. I know you can't get enough of the numbers;
60mm TB = 60mm x 62mm = 701CM3
64mm TB = 64mm x 62mm = 797CM3
So a 13.1% increase in volume..
Both 60mm/64mm;
Closer 60mm/64mm;
Closerer 60mm/64mm;