+1 on letting it warm through for a little bit, especially on a colder day. This really does help the kangarooing and general smoothness. Just feels a bit more mechanically sympathetic to let it idle a bit before setting off - I realise that you don't necessarily NEED to do this with modern cars, but I can't see it being harmful, either.
In purely mechanical sympathy terms we differ here Jimmy.....
I'm a believer that you need the crank to be doing a few RPM to chuck up some oil / lubrication from the sump onto other moving parts and that the way to do this is: To start the car.....let it tickover for 15-20 seconds....then get the thing moving.
Im 100% a believer that 99% of engine wear / damage is done from cold....so my initial driving would be very ginger for sure.
In terms of a Clio that bucks, kicks, coughs and splutters from cold because of the mapping. The above may not be possible though !!