We are working on the basis that there is something wrong with the clutch system that is causing the gearbox problems. The gearbox has been rebuilt so it should be healthy internally. The clutch and slave were not replaced when we refurbed the gearbox so they are potential problems.
At Mallory Park we had two problems when bleeding the clutch. The first problem was that when we opened the bleed valve, bled the clutch, and then closed the bleed valve brake fluid was still dribbling out of the bleed nipple. I think that this was due to us missing an O ring off of the end of the slave cylinder. The second problem was that after adding in a second O ring (which might not have been the perfect size) when we tried to bleed the clutch we would open the bleed valve by moving the clip but when we pressed on the clutch pedal it would go down a little bit and then there was a lot of resistance. When you pushed past the resistance with force (using as little force as possible but having to give it some force to make the pedal move) the bleed clip would fly off and brake fluid would then shoot out.
Slave cylinders are not too expensive so we will get another slave and the resident mechanic
@EthanMenace can pull the box out and replace the slave.
Does anyone know what the part number is for the hose the connects to the slave cylinder? That is the hose that has the bleed clip and bleed nipple and would slide on where the red arrow is below. I have had a look on Dialogys but cannot find it.
You can see from this video of Ethan's first session, well his only session, that gear changes were difficult up to third and fourth and down from fourth and third.
I have said this before but we made no effort to use fifth gear at Mallory Park as it was easier just to drive up to the limiter and stay in fourth gear.
The car is now irritating me as the gearbox seems to be the only part really holding it back this year. We have to be patient and wait for the car to be able to change gear and that is interrupting the flow and slowing us down on track days.
I think that I now have our TMPS system up and running. I am good with technology but trying to work out how to configure sensors in a CAN bus system is beyond me. After getting some external help the sensors were providing sensible and realistic readings on Friday. This is what the TPMS readings were at the start of a session. For context we had been out for about 3 laps to bed in some brake pads, came back in and took off the tape from the fog light brake ducts and then headed straight out. Mallory Park is a clockwise circuit with a large sweeping right hander after the start/finish straight. The front left tyre was showing more wear than the front right tyre after our day ended so I would expect the tyre pressure to go up higher in the front left tyre.
This is the pressure readings after about 15 laps on track during the same session. I am suspicious of the rear readings as they stayed constant thought the session.
I thought that we would kill off the track tyres at Mallory Park but as we did not use the tyres much they are still okay. I have had a new set of Direzzas delivered by Tegiwa.
Tegiwa have managed to deliver three 215 wide tyres and 1 225 wide tyre!