Question for the brake experts here. What is the best way to bed in new brake pads and new brake discs?

The Godspeed discs suggest that they should be bedded in with about 250 gentle road miles.

The front and rear brake pads are DS1.11s and to bed them in usually we block up the brake ducts at the front of the car and go out on to a dual carriageway late at night and do about 15 to 20 hard stops from about 60mph down to 20mph. This gets the front pads nice and hot to the point that they are smoking.

So the brake pads want an aggressive bedding in session but the discs want a gentle bedding in session.

We could put some older RPX pads on at the front of the car to bed in the discs with some commuting miles to and from work this week and then swap out the old RPX pads for the new DS1.11 pads to bed in the front DS1.11s.

What do people suggest?
Anytime I've bedded in new pads or discs alone or together I've generally done what you say above, I get the discs good and hot with a blue tint to them and cool them down, that was on brembo hc discs now mind you and usually pbs pro race pads. Never had issues with warping or cracks etc. I can't do it on the road anymore so I go at the back of the sighting laps
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I’d follow Godspeeds instructions. I’m sure he told me to have another set of pads to run the disc in first.

Here lies the problem with them really. If you don’t do that, there’s no recourse when you have issues down the road.
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