@EthanMenace has found out what the problem was with the brakes at Donington Park on Friday.
We did not check the driver's side front disc at the time and only checked the passenger side front disc.
There are two large cracks on the driver's side disc.
The cracks both go through to the centre vented section. This is the passenger side front disc that does not have any cracks.
I think that we put these Godspeed G hook discs on in March 2024. I am happy that we have got our moneys worth out of them. This is what they looked like when they were new.
The front drivers side wheel was caked in brake dust on Friday so the cracks would explain the noise, vibrations and excessive dust.
The car is back up on axle stands. The front and rear discs have been taken off. We ordered new Godspeed discs on Friday evening and I have already had an e-mail to say that they will be delivered on Tuesday. New rear pads have arrived already from FrogJam Motorsport.
The Megane 3 callipers were dug out of the shed earlier today. In the photo below the Megane calliper is on the left and the 200 calliper is on the right. There is not a massive difference in size between them, but they are bigger, and the perspective of the photo makes them look about the same size.
Ethan spent some time today removing the seals and pistons from the Megane callipers ready for a rebuild when the new seals arrive this week.
In other news today Alex from AW Motorworks sent us a text today saying that the gearbox issue may be clutch drag and it would be a good idea to bleed the clutch.