Search results

  1. Phenom

    Twingo Clioengine Conversion

    I've seen a few Twingos with a F4R when scrolling Instagram and fb and it's got me wanting to build one. I posted this same question over on a Twingo forum asking if anyone had done the conversion but had no replies. I'm assuming this swap is slightly more complex than the meg swap into a clio...
  2. Phenom

    Clio 3 Yellow Dot Recaros into Mk2

    I asked this question over at but got no answer so hopefully someone here can help me. Does anyone know somewhere I can get base or an adapter made up to fit the set of yellow dot Recaros out of my Clio 200 into my R26. I was hoping they would be a straight swap but the...
  3. Phenom

    R26 Advice

    Looking at grabbing a R26 Megane to replace my current daily. don't worry keeping the Clio just wondering if anyone here knows what to look out for on a higher mileage example around the 130k mark. or which is the best forum to go looking for advice?
  4. Phenom

    Bluetooth speaker suggestions

    just looking for suggestions on a decent Bluetooth speaker to use in the car where there are no speakers. I don't like wearing headphones or in ears while I'm driving but bought a cheapo Bluetooth speaker from Tesco just as a trial and can happily manage but the sound is so heavy on the highs...
  5. Phenom

    Swapping Clocks/speedo

    bought a 197 with standard dials and looking to throw my yellow ones in from my 200 have found the thread from the How To's showing easy it is to take them out. my question is are these just a plug and play thing or would they need coding and...
  6. Phenom

    Going From 200 to 197

    So after having owned my Clio for 4 years, a transit tipper decided a needed a change of car. But I'm still firmly in the Clio camp and want to replace this but after nearly 3 months of back and forth with NFU, it seems no matter what I'm going to be left out of pocket after all of this trying...
  7. Phenom

    UPC Replacement Needed?

    So driving home Thursday I had no headlights. Only dipped beam not working, got side lights, high beam and indicators. Have checked all bulbs, fuses and relay and is all good. Flicking the switch gets the light on the dash so don't think it's a issue with the stalk as putting auto lights on...
  8. Phenom

    Replacing Top Mounts

    Passenger side top mount has started knocking as cant afford the nice set of coilovers I want just going to replace the top mount with OEM part. I have two questions in my mind for this. 1. Do I need to do the offside top mount also? 2. As this is probably the first time the suspension will be...
  9. Phenom

    Boot Lid Replacement

    Did a quick search but couldn't find an answer just want to confirm that the boot lid on the 197/200 are the same as the standard Clio boot lids? as looking to do some bits without ruining the one that's on the car already, if anyone has a glacier white boot lid for cheap in the south east...
  10. Phenom

    Cup Spoiler End Plate Loose

    One of the end plate of my cup spoiler are loose and has some play in it. although it doesn't make an audible rattle or anything I would like it not to be loose. but the screws/bolts in the end plate spin freely in both directions, I'm assuming what ever nut or thread inside the spoiler itself...
  11. Phenom

    Recaro Repair Recommendations South East

    Just wanted to get some input from people here on where is the best place in my part of the country to take my seats to get the bolsters re-upped? Thanks in advance
  12. Phenom

    PCD Adapter Plates/Spacers Good or Bad? Affect the Car?

    Hi all, A question as I'm looking at new wheels but feel limited by the 5x108 PCD. Has anyone had any experience with the PCD adapter plates to fit different wheels? if so where they good? why/why not? any negative affect to the car? in my head they seem no different to normal hubcentric...
  13. Phenom

    Hot Oil Smell in Cabin

    The smell is only there when driving quite hard till I hear the little beep to change gears. recon-ed engine went in a few months ago to quickly deal with fried rings and constant misfire and thought the smell was just the result of the amount of oil that was getting burnt. But with the new...
  14. Phenom

    No More Clio RS...

    So it looks like the Clio RS is possibly being replaced by the Zoe RS. What is other people's thoughts on this? I'm interested in what they are going to do to make it a 'hot' hatch but I have never been a fan of the Zoe's blobby styling. Upset that they have seemed to completely axe the Clio...
  15. Phenom

    200: Black 200 Tesco Extra Horsham

    Another one spotted at my local Tesco, seen your 200 in the car park a few times, always super clean. should really start grabbing a quick pic for these.
  16. Phenom

    Renault Cup Replica Alcantara Sterring Wheel

    Has anyone got any experience with either this or this? I'm on the fence about getting one but the fact it's a replica has be a bit worried about the quality of it.
  17. Phenom

    Red 197 @ Tesco Extra Horsham

    Saw you on the air pump while I was grabbing my lunch.
  18. Phenom

    Squeaking from brakes

    I've got a almost constant very loud squeak coming from my rear drivers side. I'm pretty sure its something to do with the brakes as the rare chance i get in the car and its not squeaking but it is guaranteed to start at some point in my drive if I hit a slight bump or stamp the stop pedal a bit...
  19. Phenom

    Start Relay?

    So from my last post car still isn't moving.... checked all the earths and is earthing fine, new battery and new starter still nothing. which leads to my question of where is the start relay? as in the boxes around the battery there was a single 50A relay which I tested and is working fine. is...
  20. Phenom

    Won't start steering not locked

    Went to start the Clio today, got in pressed start button had message on dash saying "steering not locked". Turned off the car heard the steering lock click in and couldn't spin the wheel, went to start it again, unlocked the steering and did nothing. Pressed button again and hit with the...