My Full Fat Mistress - 293bhp F4RT - The end of an era...

Looks great Angel, I really like the sunstrip. You can spot you a mile off now, I saw you heading south on the M1 the other day (near EMA I think it was). Saw you from like 300yards away haha!

Lol. And you didn't put a "Spotted" thread up!!!

Bet it sounds even more quality now mate :wink: so much love for your 200 :smile:

Much love for yours too Dom

How's it go? waaaaaaaaa pop waaaaaaaaaaaaa bang? :lol:

Thats the one, few crackles too :thumbsup:
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I know it is shameful but I had to update my progress thread.

Haha I didn't mean you posted twice. I posted the same thing in both threads, because after I'd posted in the first one I saw this post again and wondered why my post wasn't appearing beneath it :smile:
The best thing about your car is It's Driven by that I mean you turn up at shows excetera and it's not all shiny and clean its like mine it's there to be used and ain't frightend of the unusual:tongueout:roud: keep it up
Cheers Roy,

That's why I bourght the car.. To drive it.

I'm sure their are some people on here that spend more time cleaning than driving... Shame on you I say, the designers and engineers at Dieppe didn't spend those late nights making something that you could just leave in your garage then wash it with a toothbrush on a sunday!!!

I know some people will say "55k on a 10 plate will hit your residue value"... So what as opposed to £20k on something you only look at... Mmmmmmm who's the fool... :rofl:
Cheers Roy,

That's why I bourght the car.. To drive it.

I'm sure their are some people on here that spend more time cleaning than driving... Shame on you I say, the designers and engineers at Dieppe didn't spend those late nights making something that you could just leave in your garage then wash it with a toothbrush on a sunday!!!

I know some people will say "55k on a 10 plate will hit your residue value"... So what as opposed to £20k on something you only look at... Mmmmmmm who's the fool... :rofl:

agree with this 100%now ive done all mods and mapped i am going to stick as much miles on my motor as i can.

Classic air freshner by the way:wink:
Just updating with the De-silenced Milltek Vids:

A couple filmed by Jonsey...



.... And one by Mrs F with her very unique commentary...

.... And one by Mrs F with her very unique commentary...



Glad to know they not removed her sense of humor :smiley:

Sounds good in there too, bet the disco driver was impressed.
That's exactly the right attitude to have mate. You know how I feel about these things!!! :smiley:

The way around thinking about your mileage is to never look at that screen on the display... Keep it on the Fuel Used or Miles Remaining screen, they're the only figures that matter. Fill it, drive it, enjoy it. Clean it if/when you really start to feel guilty. Nicole gets a bath about every 5-6 weeks, comes up gleaming and then is caked again within a few days as Deep Black is a nightmare to keep looking fresh.

Anyway, the less you clean the less swirls you'll get!!! :thumbup:
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Swapped my rear lights with Az110880 for his smoked ones, very happy with the results and big thanks to Arron. Top lad too... :thumbup:


I like them mate, not OTT. Couldn't really see them last night with it being dark but in the light they look good.