Bit of an update and monologue. Took a trip across the country to Caffeine and Machine last weekend (saw another nice LY there), so that pretty much concludes the shake down of the car as far as road use is concerned.
And so with that completed I've booked it's first track time since it all went wrong at Combe back in May '17! I'll be at Snet on the 25th if anyone else is going here?
I'm trying to approach it as a shake down and make sure it all works and comes home under it's own steam rather than my usual balls-to-the-wall and blow the thing up approach! I'm aware tyres and brakes could do with a refresh but I'm not inclined to spend a lot of money on Cup2's all round until it's proven itself reliable. I will however chuck some new rbf660 and pads on it before, but the replacement rotors for the bells I'll again save that for after (chance the rotors might clean up with hard use anyway).
Other little jobs but won't effect the day if not done in time are I've still not had the UCH coded to hopefully address the dash warning (should be someone coming today for that), and I'm going to install the thermostatic plate and move the oil temp sensor from the sump to it. Where it is now it seems to read too low so I suspect the boss was put above the oil level.
Also I want to look at getting some weight out the car but without turning it in to a spartan 2 seater, I'm thinking I'm probably at -50KG if not more with everything currently done:
- Exhaust, r3 manifold (insanely light that thing), small battery, steel flywheel, alloy crank pulley, large amounts saved under the hood from a/c delete, itbs, loom, general big reduction of plastic etc
If we take the weight of 1240KG as stock book figure, then puts me at ~1190KG.
Target weight is 1125KG to achieve 200bhp/tonne. Taking 225bhp as the figure, I think the 232bhp result is a bit high and better to under egg it anyway. So about 65KG to be saved...
- Recaro SPGs (-30kg for the pair?)
- Remove Isofix bar (-5kg?)
- Remove the tar like sound deadening under carpet and boot (-5kg?)
- Carbon door cards (no speakers etc) (-10kg?)
- Plastic screen on the rear and no wiper (-20kg?)
- Plastic side rear qtr (-10kg?)
- Potentially plastic door windows too (-20kg?)
Probably about 80-100KG to be saved so should be easily doable, which it would be great to keep the rear seats and trim so that way car can still be used for everything from car shows and days out, to track days, and the school run

It's not a daily but I cannot shake the opinion that as a fwd hatch it's best asset is its versatility, I start to massively restrict how it can be used when removing the rear seats etc and then I start to think I should just get an Elise or whatever.