LY Racer Turbo 310bhp....but more to come soon

Cars ace Mike, I think its just that the 197 is fat compared to the supercharged 1*2's. Maybe a crash diet for it, or just don't listen!?
I've been on CS for several years and at times it can be brutally honest. I don't think any of the comments are nasty as such - they are just saying it doesn't seem to be 360bhp quick and After owning a 330bhp impreza sti Id be inclined tto agree.

Vote with your feet though mate, if you don't like the feedback you get on cliosport then don't go on there or alternatively, don't post pictures or vids.
No mate, I've not really felt it would be fair to go against there figures as its there conversion if u no what I mean.
what does it matter what the BPH the car is, it’s an epic car and a hell of a build I have no reason to disbelieve that the cars BPH figure’s as it looked a dam site quicker than my meg at FCS and my meg was 300bph.

Mike keep up the good work bud and f@~k what other people say its your car and your build and to be honest the ppl who question the car only wish they could afford to do what you have done.:thumbsup:
It would worry me more that a couple of the lads that I would value an opinion from like andy, chip and dan are saying it doesn't look as fast as it should. It would worry me it wasn't running full potential or something was up, and no harm but any company would welcome a second independent figure surely?

I love the car, big props but look what happened TDF, everyone blew smoke up their ass and they ruined a couple of cars no nobody wants to go near them. I'd be double checking, and if it turns out to be what it says then happy days, mind at ease :smile:

to be honest the ppl who question the car only wish they could afford to do what you have done.:thumbsup:

Lol the 3 people alone I mentioned have built some great cars, its got sweet fa to do with money
I've been in Mikes car when it was 340bhp and I can safely say that its bloody rapid and just as rapid if not more so than the Evo X that tried but failed to catch us.

here endith the lesson
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Mike, we should prove it's rapid. You'r not far from me (we saw each other on the motorway but you were in a dented 182?), we should setup a drag against mine which ran 200bhp on the rollers.
Mike, we should prove it's rapid. You'r not far from me (we saw each other on the motorway but you were in a dented 182?), we should setup a drag against mine which ran 200bhp on the rollers.

I've obliterated a standard 200 in MK before, I no there is a huuuge difference lol! I can't really be bothered to justify it or prove it, people that have been in it no what it's capable of, if people choose to say otherwise to be honest that's just up to them, I only posted it to say what I've done, not to brag or prove myself or get credit. But it is frustrating when everyone says the same thing when most bar a few no nothing and don't have a clue.
I dont see why people are getting so hung up on a video. What was the frame rate of the camera recording? What has youtube compressed it to? So many factors that could lead to the video showing it as slower than it actually was.

I found this out with a cheap camera. Recorded my laps of the ring i did, showed mum and she said "aww thats not as bad as i was expecting, you hardly looked like you were going for it"....despite the rev limiter beep in every gear!

But who cares. You enjoy it.
Can't be bothered to look through but do you have a pic of the printout? Was considering going down the Supercharged rout and I'm interested in. Seeing the details, thanks.
I dont see why people are getting so hung up on a video. What was the frame rate of the camera recording? What has youtube compressed it to? So many factors that could lead to the video showing it as slower than it actually was.

I found this out with a cheap camera. Recorded my laps of the ring i did, showed mum and she said "aww thats not as bad as i was expecting, you hardly looked like you were going for it"....despite the rev limiter beep in every gear!

But who cares. You enjoy it.

exactly! but the dyno-viewers who can tell engine power via video know different!

I have a clip on youtube where I am "moving rapidly" as I know what speed I was actually doing at that point but if you watch the video it looks
haha sweet!

The thing about CS is there's so many people your bound to get a more varied selection. They were all very nice about my car when I put up some pics, which I didn't expect but was good to see. But then there is some absolute tools who chat utter s**t. The average age on here is much older than on CS so you get a much more mature response on here most of the time which is to be expected. I've hardly ever seen any flaming on here which happens on CS all the time. Then there's jealousy as well. You just have to take it with a pinch of salt.