Whats on the menu tonight?

Won't it be cold and we don't have a microwave! Not allowed in our household! :glare:


I thought th idea of takaway was to have it delivered?

^^^They rock!

Not to worry, the "Take Away" at the Hotel is 30 metres away. Steak, beer, currywürst and schnitzel on tap!
Well, I was going to be having homemade SpagBol but now Caroline has decided she can't be arsed.

So, we're on Waffles & Chicken Pie instead. :smile:
Counts me out then! :wink:

Indeed. But then you ARE young and crazy. And prefer to spend ALL of your income on your insurance rather than on food. HOWEVER, this year, you'll need to make an allowance for a certain trip :wink:
Indeed. But then you ARE young and crazy. And prefer to spend ALL of your income on your insurance rather than on food. HOWEVER, this year, you'll need to make an allowance for a certain trip :wink:

That is true Mike, don't worry "should" I decide to come :wink: I think I can find the funds somewhere!