Whats on the menu tonight?

my mum hasnt cooked for me since 2003...

anyway, after our big 3 course dinner this afternoon im not really hungry yet but i am starting to think about a pizza maybe for tea.
Jacket potato, nuggets, beans and Frankfurters.

Another one of my AWESOME combinations :smile::smile::smile:
It really is an awesome combination!

I think we should have a recipe section on here!

Beef Chilli Noodles tomorrow!

We dont need a section we have my thread. :thumbup1:

Thats the kind of house I want but I fear the commute from Cheshire will be a bit much haha :smiley:

PMSL Cheshire would like you :-p

That is a good idea can we have a recipe section? :wink:

oooooooooooooooo thin ice! :smiley:

No we cant have a recipe section, MIKE !!!!!

Thin ice indeed :lol: