Whats on the menu tonight?

i dont think i could eat owt tonight massive lush finger buffet at Kaths last night and 1 bacan and 2 sausages sandwiches at Si's this morning, ive been well feed :smiley:
Lol Gaz you did alright out of that then didn't you haha!

I am weighing up my options and it looks like takeaway is going to win!
Takeaway time - I really have nothing in to eat and with it being New Years the shops were closed before I realised (this will be the last takeaway until my birthday, honest!!!)
Its crap for takeaways round us think the nearest Dominos is in Sheffield and that it 15miles away! :worried:
That's not crap! That's my idea of heaven! The drive there and back!!! Epic!!! :smile:

Won't it be cold and we don't have a microwave! Not allowed in our household! :glare:


I thought th idea of takaway was to have it delivered?