Whats on the menu tonight?

On tonight's exquisite menu is....

Mini Cocktail Blini's topped with Cream Cheese or Duck & Orange Pate


Aberdeen Angus Steak & Tuxford and Tebbutt Stilton Pie with Chunky Chips and Creamed Spinach


Tarte au Citron with Cream


2 Bottles of Martini Asti
Sunday roast for tea and now Mum has arranged a house party, think it will be far better than going out. :tomato:

Well I was a little disappointed with my chimichangas last night, they weren't as nice as I remember and it was flippin expensive too! So don't think I will be returning there for a while at least anyway.

Tonight, well today, I am going for a curry round the fiance's house. Her parents are cooking it.
Well, I don't know, the meal was ok, just not as nice as the last one I had. My fiance said the same about her fahjitas too. The service wasn't the best and the glasses kept coming out dirty! Which is strange! Nando's a few doors down looked good, we're all going to try there at some point. Never been before. Problem is with these big chain restaurants is that when they get bigger and bigger, they seem to loose some of the quality on the way and focus too much on making a profit. Before (about 4 years ago) there was only 1 Chiquito's I knew of in the area, near Birmingham. Now I know to 4 I think!
Pizza last night, used the 50% off when you spend more than £30 coupon, so it was about £100 worth for £50 - EPIC!
Pizza last night, used the 50% off when you spend more than £30 coupon, so it was about £100 worth for £50 - EPIC!

How many people ate all that pizza Mike, that's a hell of a lot of pizza! Lol!