Whats on the menu tonight?

Omg my favourite chocolate !!

I can cook when I try :wink: lol didn't have anything with them, just two lol couldn't eat anything else tbh.
It was ok .. They gave me a leg and would have prefered a breast :wink: usual is chicken pitta, medium with chips.. Will be trying that dip Paul had next weekend for sure!!
It was ok .. They gave me a leg and would have prefered a breast :wink: usual is chicken pitta, medium with chips.. Will be trying that dip Paul had next weekend for sure!!

I might even go for a bit spicier next time! :blush:hmy:


Feeling a bit full now. Mmmmmmmmmmmm Celebrations next!

Is that desert Mike?

I am on heros this week! :smile:
I'm looking forward to tomorrow night, going to Chiquito's for mexican. Will be having chimmichangers! Not sure if that's the correct spelling, but hey! Anyone else like these?
Basically a fajhita, with rice inside too, then fried. Sounds really unhealthy, and they probably are, but I like them! Lol!
Ok, this is off the Chiquito's website menu:


Two fried flour tortilla parcels filled with Mexican spiced rice, refried
beans, chilli con queso & melting Jack cheese, sour cream, guacamole,
smoky salsa AND your favourite filling
Chiquito's used to be gorgeous. Bbq rib wrap yuummmmmm now its just like the salt pot lid fell off as they were salting it lol.