Whats on the menu tonight?

Put your best recipe's in here, and share the knowledge.

Whatever it is, share it, and we can all try it then.

Woody's will ALL contain Heinz Beans (Branstons are better though!)

Here is my utter favourite dish:

Chilli Beef Noodles

Serves upto four
You will need:

2 x crushed & chopped garlic cloves
Grated ginger (a piece about 2cm x 1cm
Tablespoon of light soy sauce
Tablespoon of Rice Wine
Half teaspoon of sugar
4 x thin frying beef steaks
Wheat Noodles
2 red chillis
green beans (the thin type)
2 veg stock cubes
sesame oil
Ground nut oil

Thinly slice the uncooked steak into strips 2cm long x 1/2 cm wide.

Put garlic, ginger, light soy sauce, rice wine, sugar & beef in a bowl and mix up. Leave to marinade for 20-30 minutes.

Add the cornflour & mix up.

Boil noodles, drain and put under cold water, drain again, add small amount of sesame oil to noodles.

Heat the Wok with one teaspoon of ground nut oil, add the marinaded beef etc.

Cut up the chillis into very small pieces, and cut up the beans into pieces about 2cm long, add those two to the wok with a bit of dark soy sauce, sesame oil, one tablespoon of cornflour mixed with a bit of water.

Add the noodles, and cook until the steak is done to how you like it (rare, medium, through or re-entry)

Serve with some Rice for added yum
Not sure what I am having tonight, I'm on call today so I might not be at home. So may well be a McDonalds. But we will see.
I couldn't reaist and went to Maccy's! Lol! Big tasty with bacon meal as they have stopped the festive deluxe! :-(
Stew for me and I am even making it myself, mum's out all day so its fend for yourself! I am well proud! :smiley:
You made a stew Matt? or did mum put the slow cooker on before she left :wink:

Recipe needed :tongueout: lol

No I made it, give me some credit! :tongueout:

It wasn't that hard! I even went to the hairdressers today and had the lot pretty much shaved off! :blush:hmy:

Had a right day! :smiley:
Crumpets with cheese of for supper, I am ever cooking these aswell!
Jamie Oliver eat your heart out! :rofl: