What Fuel Do You Use?

I've switched back to normal Tesco. I used to run momentum all the time and my car runs better on it and I get better MPG.

However, the price rise in fuel means i've had to come off the good stuff.

i'm sure someone on here did a test not that long ago on value for money with regards to normal fuel and high octane stuff,yes high octane stuff is more expensive but he got better mpg from the high octane stuff and after a months test on both i'm sure he said the high octane was more beneficial
Always used Tesco 99 as it's about a minute down the road..

Although, a Shell has opened (was Total) not much further away, I may make the swap.
I use VPower for the cleaning and performance benefits, also I like the fact that when I'm driving abit more spiritedly I have a clear concience that the chance of combustion retardation (knocking) is a lot slimmer.

Standard supmarket fuel, with a tank of VPower every now and again will flush any engine and will look after your engine a lot better without breaking the bank of every tank.

However, this is one thing that does confuse me a little. For me the added expense gets me just as many miles but for the same price. Granted I'm not getting as much fuel for the money, but if the mileage is the same at the end of it.... What's the issue?
Tried them all and makes not one bit of difference.Put £70 to go to Cornwall last Saturday averaged 32.9 mpg Sainsbuys 4*.to come home put shell vpower in both full tanks and got 30.1.Wife was driving and she is steady both ways.So is it just better for the cleaning purpose???
Increased performance aswell Roy, as a higher octane rating etc...

Tbh, shell fuelsave is a very good fuel, but I'm surprised your mpg changed that drastically. This could be due to many factors however, the change from intermediate quality to winter quality fuel (you may have been unlucky and hit this) or the temperature outside...there's soo many variables doing these 'backstreet' tests, that it's impossible to do it fairly.
Increased performance aswell Roy, as a higher octane rating etc...

Tbh, shell fuelsave is a very good fuel, but I'm surprised your mpg changed that drastically. This could be due to many factors however, the change from intermediate quality to winter quality fuel (you may have been unlucky and hit this) or the temperature outside...there's soo many variables doing these 'backstreet' tests, that it's impossible to do it fairly.

For the 2 years I drove it I was Shell all the way.I suppose I drove it a lot harder than her indoors but I only put shell in every 4-5 tanks now.And as the car only does 5 miles a day now it just ain't worth putting the good stuff in + it never misses a beat with JS fuel in.
Some guy bought about 500 total petrol stations last year and sold 254 of them to shell thats why some are changing over to shell now.

I use morrisons fuel if i'm just knocking about town or back and forth to work but then put either tescos 99 or V power in when going for a fast blast with the lads or a track day.

If it's 6p a litre more expensive, putting 20 litres in is only £1.20 more expensive so not worth the worrying about, just get the better stuff in, i know it all adds up at the end of the year but just think of the fun you have burning all that fuel :smiley:
I was under the impression it takes the ecu at least 4 tanks to calibrate the fuel for efficiency?
On a empty tank the difference between normal fuels and the high octane fuels on a fill up is around £3.50. So basically the price of a pint. I have to say that spending an extra £10 per month (I get about 400 miles from a tank and do about 1100 miles per month) really doesn't bother me. Given the added benefits (mpg, cleaning etc) it just makes the decision easier.
There we go... So £1.20 every 20 litres

So lets say that would buy you an extra litre, roughly, of Standard PU10.
If your getting 30mpg, divide that by 4.55 to get miles per litre = 6.59

So if you can get an extra 6.59 miles out of 20litres of V-Power, your breaking even, with the added bonus of the better fuel.

Hence why I always use vpower :wink:
There we go... So £1.20 every 20 litres

So lets say that would buy you an extra litre, roughly, of Standard PU10.
If your getting 30mpg, divide that by 4.55 to get miles per litre = 6.59

So if you can get an extra 6.59 miles out of 20litres of V-Power, your breaking even, with the added bonus of the better fuel.

Hence why I always use vpower :wink:

It's like man maths :rofl:

I just like spending the extra £1.20 cos it's v POWER!! Ha.
I dont notice any difference in MPG using regular and 99 so i just put the good stuff in because like people said its not much difference in price.
I notice my fuel economy drops off the scale when I use the regular Tesco petrol. It took around 120 miles of my usual tank range in a Focus ST and around 80 in a Fiesta Zetec S (Mk5). After that I swore I'd never use it again.

Theres an app available called 'Fuel Log' that's very good ( free on android and 69p on the iPhone) that allows you to track accurately your fuel economy. Well worth the download.
V-Power and only V-Power, I used some crappy tesco fuel a couple of weeks ago and one of my sensors coincidently broke.
used V-power like it was bible, then the off chance tried tesco momentum 99, the clio drove so much better and very smooth considering how hot it was, now its the onlt stuff i use

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