What Fuel Do You Use?

Interesting, gonna have to see that episode.

It would be fair to say that most cars are mapped from the factory to run on 95 ron, if you're, car its mapped to run on higher octane then you'll see better returns on performance

think you will find with modern engines with knock sencing capability that mapping is "optomised" to the fuel...in some cases they run with a slight amount of "knock"!
No one is suggesting anyone use 'cheap' fuel in there cars tho are they, as lets be honest, no fuel is cheap these days. But Renault have obviously spent a lot of time & money developing these engines running on 95RON or they simply wouldnt put the sticker inside the flap. My cossie turbo runs on the high octane gear specifically because its been mapped to run on it & I can tell the difference when Ive had no choice but to use the 95.
No one is suggesting anyone use 'cheap' fuel in there cars tho are they, as lets be honest, no fuel is cheap these days. But Renault have obviously spent a lot of time & money developing these engines running on 95RON or they simply wouldnt put the sticker inside the flap. My cossie turbo runs on the high octane gear specifically because its been mapped to run on it & I can tell the difference when Ive had no choice but to use the 95.

its actually says 95 or 98 ron, which will be probably the most common fuel in europe. new cars now days have that many sensors you can put either in and the engine will just adjust to that fuel.
You wont get a MPG return to the difference of the cost of standard to VPower.
But if your concerned about MPG and saving money, sell the car!
Oh, and this isnt pointed to the person that started this thread.
You wont get a MPG return to the difference of the cost of standard to VPower.
But if your concerned about MPG and saving money, sell the car!
Oh, and this isnt pointed to the person that started this thread.

mine did

As did mine...

And we are currently doing a V-Power blend now at work, and just looked on the blending screen. The min tolerance on the RON is 98.500, the max is 100.500.
So whoever said its 98 RON is completely mistaken, as it wouldn't be released an would be classed as off grade if it was :smile:

Hope this helps!
Well I must say after putting tesco's ' Momentum' in the car over the weekend in my 106 gti, the lumpy idle has decreased alot! and it feels as though it runs better and I get around the same miles as 'normal' petrol so I recommend

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