Yes I have driven other hot hatches, and I stick by that the brakes of other cars I've driven are just as capable on the road as the Clios Brembos, besides I'm not going to apologise because I never managed to get brake fade or warp a disc on the public road, if that makes me a granny then pass me the blanket, I'd rather be a granny than parked up a tree thanks.
The brakes may well be the bees knees on the track, however when I bought my 197 it cost me 11k and the last thing I was going to do in it was rag it around a track and then let the wife and kids out in it the day after, not all of us are able to have a Renaultsport purely as fun car although I'd love too.
And I suspect that 98% of RS Clio owners and future owners will also do the same as I did, spend a lot of money buying and insuring it, polish it and wash it, drive it to work, drive it to the shops, put the kids and loved ones in it and just use it as a normal car (with the occasional spirited drive now and again
