Tragic accident but you gotta ask yourself

There's only ever one winner when a car hits a tree. :worried:

Good point Grumpy, if it's nicked then as horrible as it sounds then I hope it makes the driver think twice about it next time.

Wouldn't wish that on anybody though, poor lad, hope it was a mechanical failure or the driver made an unfortunate mistake as opposed to being under the influence of anything. That's too much of a car for an inexperienced driver, unless of course he was a racer in one series or another...
I'd say with both of the people in the car being 17 and 18 that the car was stolen - well I'd certainly of thought so anyway unless there Mum and Dad have some serious dosh!
Hate it when you read these sort of things happening then you find out they nicked it Thieving scum bags
ruined all them lives
Had something similar to me just down the road, driver 28 smashed out his face, Tree very old and very big.. Passenger, 22 died. :/
We had one just before Xmas in a escort 4 up late at nite crashed head on to a tree driver dead 3 serious injured
not saying owned it but maybe they knew the owner and took the keys or quite possibly did steal it off the street street
You would imagine that it was stolen wouldn't you. The insurance on one of those at that age must be worth almost as much as the car brand new itself! Mind you, they could have it wrong, are there any pics anywhere?
That was never going to end well.

TBH I hope that the driver isn't able to drive again (physically or mentally), they aren't the kind of people to 'think' and most likely doesn't care about their actions. No matter what, if you kill someone while driving, you shouldn't be allowed to drive again, it isn't a right.
The insurance on one of those at that age must be worth almost as much as the car brand new itself!

If they were'nt drunk or had stolen it, the accident is the reason for the high insurance premium.
Could well be an early EVO and like classic scoobies they are now sub £4k to buy, but still very easy to tune and most an average kicking 300+BHP. If his parents are rich then insuarance wouldn't have been a problem.

My local scooby garage manager I was chatting to earlier in the year told me of a 19 year old who's dad had bought him the cosworth scooby hatch, and when they asked the kid what he was paying for insurance he didn't know but said he'd find out and when he picked it up he told them it was £1000 and they could't believe it but then he said that was what his dad was paying per month for it.
guy in work drives a 1.0 fiesta and his insurance is £1,300 he did a quote on a 60K GT-R as a piss take (no way he could afford it) and the insurance was only £3k... fair enough less crashes mean a cheaper premium no doubt but still!

RIP to the chap that died :worried:
For young drivers with Evos and Scoobies, you will usually find that the excess is usually £4k plus, as well as a mega high initial premium! You really really wouldn't want to crash one!