That dreaded phone call

I think she finally signed up to this site and read all the things you say about her.... :-p

She was getting revenge :wink:
yes thanks Will it just knocked the glass out no marks on the case
opps forgot to ask the wife ;/
OMG, my wife is too scared to drive the car, as it would be divorce territory tbh lol!!!!!!!!
OMG, my wife is too scared to drive the car, as it would be divorce territory tbh lol!!!!!!!!

I have sent her to Cornwall for a week to think about her driving.told her not to come back till she realises what stress she caused me.left the car here though made my daughter drive hers lol
Roy, if something like this happened I would rather not want to get a phone call "I had an accident and hit a bus" if the only thing that happened was the mirror glass falling out and not even being broke.... what sort of an accident is that??? Glad she's OK though :smile: btw that must be 7 years of good luck at least hitting a bus with a mirror without breaking it!