I own a Clio 197 with R27 suspension. I feel that i am one of the few people on the earth that knows what the problem is

I had the same problem for 4-5 months. Renault had the car for like a month , even people from Renault France came ... No one was not able to fix the problem. It is a knocking - rubbery / metal sound , when the wheel expands in to a hole , or when i drive over a bump , and when it was raining - it felt like the wheel is comming off ..
The problem is the top bushing. I replaced them once with OEM one from Renault , and it had no change in the knocking. I am a proffesional rally driver and i have proffesional mechanics . We decidet to take matters in our hands.
The top bushing is getting soft ( unglueing internaly) , and the shock absorber is really hard and push/pull the bushing up and down violently making that knocking sound. I replaced mine with Kleber once , they are harder then the OEM once , but still ... after 10 000 km ... the knocking is comming back. Poliuretane shocks are the best solution by my opinion.
To make the bushing knock violently in front of the Renault Dealer - just heat them up really good with a heater gun
I hope to be of help
P.S. - i also have solution for knocking stearing rack , rear boot door , blowing doors ...... it is a great car over all :lol: