Seems all 197 owners aren't as cheery as the folk on here

As per title.
Was driving through my village earlier when I spotted a guy get out of his black 197,
So I thought I'd give him a little pip and a nod just on the off chance that he was on here n I could stick it in the spotted section.

All my greeting was met by was a rolling of his eyes and a scowl that would put small children in hospital!

Ah well, his problem. Just thought I'd share to see if anyone else has had the same kind of thing.

Anywhoo, was just a little talking point at with my Clio owner mates and thought I'd share it.
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I get glared at fairly often when I acknowledge fellow 197 / 200 drivers.

I don't understand it.
I don't understand the looks you get when you acknowledge a fellow 197 driver.
I used to own a original mini and I never got this with them, everyone seems to know why I was waving or nodding etc.

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I got waved at in the 200 by other RS owners so you cant tar everyone with the same brush.
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as a fellow mini lover and owner (historically :worried: ) i never had anyone not wave to me in a mini, it's fab!! :smile: lol.
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I never used to even get looked at by other 197/200 owners so I stopped bothering! Feel like starting to wave again though for some reason!
Theres an albi 197 near my girl friends house, looks like my old 197 so Ive always given the car the wee "brother from another mother comment". Never seen who owns it, until last week.

Driving into the street and SHE was waiting to come out ... she must have been 80 at the very least!! This has got to be the most unabused RS on the planet and Ill admit, i died a little inside.
I once had someone go to the effort of putting their spotted card i left back on my windscreen in a hotel car park, guess he didnt sign up!
I did feel like abit of a plonker, but its no worse when your halfway through lifting the wiper up with card in hand and the alarm goes off! Happened to me with a LY in Halfords car park :worried:
Lol i used to get let on to by loads of people in my seat leon, no one has in this :worried: ....yet

I think that has a lot to do with the colour though.

I was thinking the opposite the other day and Emma has said the same after having the Clio today, everyone lets you pull out, or moves out of the way it is great! :001_huh: