I wave a all RS owners... 1*2, 197, 200, Twingo, Megane.
There's a local Twingo who was really confused the first few times but now he always beeps and lets on!!! Don't see many 1*2s around here so can't comment and 197/200s are even rarer but I'd say the old ''wave and flash'' has about a 35% success rate.
The last time i saw another R27 Deep black the woman decided to wanted to keep hitting the limiter in second...
All the other R27's apart from my two mates that used to own two just stare at me like death as though to say 'why are you driving a R27'.. I know for a fact i owned one first
Usually judge it by the way the car looks. Any mods or forum stickers and I wave - only RS though. I tell you what though, since having my wheels done in anthrecite, I've had much more ttention!