So, I bought a DA polisher as a little xmas gift to myself. Being a complete novice to any kind of serious 'detailing', I went for a kit and ended up with this from
I proceeded to wash and clay the car, however running out of time (and daylight) I was only able to give the bonnet, top part of the front bumper, boot lid, and rear bumper a going over.
I polished with the medium cut compound on a medium pad, and finished with the Super Finish Plus on a soft pad.
Took it easy at first as I'd never machined polished before, but it's actually very easy, although very very time consuming. It took over an hour just to do these panels, so I'd envisage it taking 2-3 times that to do the whole car? I'll attempt the rest of the car this weekend, but for now I'm very pleased and impressed with the finish. Light scratches are more or less gone, and it looks like it only needs another going over at a slightly higher machine speed (perhaps with a more aggressive compound?) to rid the paint completely of swirls etc.
Once the machine polishing was done I covered with Auto Finesse Glisten, just to have some kind of protection until the whole car gets done. The plan is to order some Collinite 845 wax, and some Gtechniq C2 to seal once waxed.
Pics aren't great due to the aforementioned lack of daylight as I finished, but you get the idea.