No didnt take it as a "knocking" at all

:lol: (Replied via iPhone and couldnt be arsed with emoticons!)
I just find the whole "reg plate" thing a little pretentious and not really bothered if its a 59 or 10 plate.
And to be quite honest ive never bought a car on the claims of the reg number, i always look at the date of first registration on the V5C. Which between mine and your new car (as an example) would be a matter of 2/3 weeks
I'd only wait for a new plate if it was governed by a specific Model Year change, which it isnt.
But i agree it's easier for dealers/salesmen to sell a "later" registrated car to the more deluded motorist on the fact that its "6 months younger"

Even if it was registered at the front of the registration period

As 9/10 people will go buy that rather than the V5C
At the end of the day, its my car for me to enjoy, couldnt give a flying fig about who will potentially buy it in future
BTW, none of that is a dig, or being unfriendly at you RBlue, just my tupenny worth