Lovely Night Out

Great first pid Tom, however I dare say I was more blown away by yesterdays effort :smile:
Canon EF 100-400mm f/4.5-5.6 L IS USM

Gotta love that lens. Wish I could bring the work one on the Ring trip. What's the body and sensor on that Grumpy? Just wondering if you're getting extra mm or if you have a full frame? Have you tried the 1.4 extender for this yet?
Gotta love that lens. Wish I could bring the work one on the Ring trip. What's the body and sensor on that Grumpy? Just wondering if you're getting extra mm or if you have a full frame? Have you tried the 1.4 extender for this yet?

Sorry that isn't my actual camera :tongueout: just an example.

The camera is a 50D so not full frame which means it's effectively 500+mm fully out.

I've tried with a 2x extender but they completely destroy image quality and providing you have enough pixels it's better off to crop.
Gotta love that lens. Wish I could bring the work one on the Ring trip. What's the body and sensor on that Grumpy? Just wondering if you're getting extra mm or if you have a full frame? Have you tried the 1.4 extender for this yet?

Looks like mine, so either an EOS500d or EOS550d.
Who is the one taking the pics though? As your brother is taking the credit for them over on CGTI. :wink:

It was too hazy here last night to get any pics. :worried:

Well we were both taking them, I was taking them with my camera and he was using the old mans. Any photos I've put on here are ones I took.