Long time again since posting.
Back in April 2021 I was having issue with a stuck rear caliper.
Freed off the pads and cleaned up the sliders earlier in this thread.
Came to MOT time in September and I needed a new o/s handbrake cable.
Not an expensive fix, about £16 or so for the cable and I don't know about £30 labour to fit it.
I bought some new pads to be fitted at the same time so the back brakes and handbrake were spot on
LY has done very few miles over winter.
Little job I did at the end of November was cleaning out the scuttle panel drains.
I noticed that when I cleaned the car, and hosed the windscreen, I opened the bonnet and there was some standing water, draining slowly in the scuttle under the plastic mesh grille.
Thinking this is not right, I used one of the guides on here to address the issue.
Pics of my findings and after cleaning
On first removing the scuttle panel

IMG_4843 by
*JMR*, on Flickr
This was the side where I had the slow draining water. Drivers side.

IMG_4844 by
*JMR*, on Flickr
You can see the drain hole, where the little rubber plug is in the bottom left corner, a bit of sunlight shining on it.
IMG_4845 by
*JMR*, on Flickr
Again a slightly clearer shot, you can see its full of crap. There's hardly any hole there to drain water out and down.

IMG_4846 by
*JMR*, on Flickr
Passenger side didn't look too bad but you can see where the dirt and water has been sat.

IMG_4847 by
*JMR*, on Flickr
Pretty messy, and overdue a bit of attention

IMG_4848 by
*JMR*, on Flickr
This is the passenger side hole that need cleaning up

IMG_4849 by
*JMR*, on Flickr
When I poured some water around it

IMG_4854 by
*JMR*, on Flickr
I used a spray bottle, and took the plastic pipe off it and stuck that in the rubber plug holes to clear out any mess.
You could instantly feel it moving dirt out of the way and you could see the water draining down, and coming out under the car.
Heres the drivers side after a good clean with APC and a bit of polish

IMG_4850 by
*JMR*, on Flickr
Miles better

IMG_4852 by
*JMR*, on Flickr
And passenger side

IMG_4856 by
*JMR*, on Flickr
Loads better

IMG_4857 by
*JMR*, on Flickr
And scuttle and grilles re-fitted

IMG_4858 by
*JMR*, on Flickr

IMG_4859 by
*JMR*, on Flickr
Nice and tidy underneath

IMG_4860 by
*JMR*, on Flickr
Job done

IMG_4861 by
*JMR*, on Flickr
Easy enough job.
Most difficult part was being careful removing the wiper nuts.
Drivers side was easy, passenger side was a bit stubborn.
No breakages though, and I put some copper slip paste on the threads so they'll be easier to get off next time if I have to do them again.
I've had the car 4 years and only done this once.