is it wierd to wave at other clio owners

Had my 197 for 4 months and only ever seen one to wave to on the road in all that time !!!! i gave him the thumbs up but got blanked !!

When i had my kit car everyone and his granny waved at me.....good enough reason to get rid of it
I do it too, mixed response mostly. Some flash back, some look at you like your mental.

Although my wife gets a bit too excited when she shes another RS so if you see a hot blonde passenger thats waving like a nutter on crack, that'll be us.. :blush:)
...I see an Albi 197 alot around here....always wave, but the lady owner just blanks me....I've even managed to put a card on her windscreen.....clearly has no idea what she's drivin'....just like the colour.....!
When i had my P1 there was a wave/flash thing going on for each other.

Other scooby tired to join in they got nothing from me LOL
ceaser or hitler?? lol

the thumb doesnt leave the steering wheel, all done discreetly. Not like a wind down the window, point my arm into the sky and shout "Sieg Heil".

Maybe discretion is the problem ... next time a bash at the horn, flash of the lights and a wave from the window will get me a response. :thumbsup:
been driving around the last few days and seen a few rs clios about, so i tend to wave at them but dont get anything back. am i being wierd. ive had classic minis so ive got in the habit of doing it lol

us classic mini owners have a long tradition it's 50 years old waving at other mini's so it'll be a while before the CS fully cotton on.
but for the record i tend to find that most CS will acknowledge you more wave than return the blank "whats that nutter waving at" look
It only seems weird when they don't wave back, when they do wave back it's justified and you feel less of an idiot (based on personal experience ;/)
It only seems weird when they don't wave back, when they do wave back it's justified and you feel less of an idiot (based on personal experience ;/)

Too true! :thumbsup:

I will always give a wave or a flash if I have time and spot them before they have passed me by. As Foxspeed will testify, I aren't the most observant person!