Insurance quote *shocked*

Its not like i told them about it though... i dont have points for the IN10 & the offence has expired, but it still shows on my licence counterpart until end of this month, id say it was this causing the high quotes but i have never once given my licence details to an insurance company, they've never asked for them & as far as i know its still illegal for them to check with DVLA without your permission.

Its gotta be my postcode playing a big role in it, im sure if i lived further out of london it would be much cheaper, maybe i could start 'renting a room' in a friends house who lives outside of london :wink:
to insure my car at my mums my insurance figure doubles (almost 3k) and she lives in a nicer part of sw london.
I'd say try it with a different postcode and see how that effects it then you'll know wether the high pricetag is due to your area.

so thankful I live out in Kent now :smile: