Has your gearbox been replaced? Yes or no?

Have you had the gearbox in your 197 / 200 replaced?

  • No - I'm still running the original gearbox

    Votes: 422 72.9%
  • Yes - I'm running a replacement gearbox

    Votes: 157 27.1%

  • Total voters
15,800 miles
58 (2008 )
Second gearbox, original one was replaced at 14,000 miles due to it crunching into 3rd gear over 3,500RPM November last year.
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2009 58 plate, ~26k, original box (to my knowledge as car was 12 months old when I bought it). Still feel great. :thumbsup:
R27 '07
34k miles
Original box so far, I wouldn't mind if it packed up though while the car is still under warranty:smile:
I had a new gearbox in my 197 when it only had about 18kmiles on it in 2010!
Second gear started crunching so a new box was fitted under warranty
Yeah thats pretty shocking, 25% gearbox failure, not something to be proud of...

On a brighter note, mines on 25k and still going strong :smile:
they make them from tissue paper i bet there is more research to be done here.

who out of the replacements has tracked there car?
I thought I would bump this thread & add a "yes" to the poll. I bought my 197 ( 08 plate ) in September, it has done 31k . Within weeks I noticed it was gear crunching when going into 4th. It does not do it all the time just occasionally . I have had it checked recently at my Renault dealer, by the garage & the warranty assessor. I am having a new G/box fitted on the 3rd Jan ( 50% warranty / 50% Renault UK) :smile:.
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Had her since May '10 (197 on 30,689M), no problems so far *touch wood* (39,411M).

A couple of trackdays and some long driving trips during that time too.

Original 'box as far as I know...
Touch wood ours is still going strong (1st box). Having the oil dropped and changed @ 2nd service. Hopefully filling it with some better quality oil should extend its life.