Has your gearbox been replaced? Yes or no?

Have you had the gearbox in your 197 / 200 replaced?

  • No - I'm still running the original gearbox

    Votes: 422 72.9%
  • Yes - I'm running a replacement gearbox

    Votes: 157 27.1%

  • Total voters
Just a quick update for you :smile:

Gearbox is getting replaced under warranty :smile: no issues! Was assessed this morning.. The renault uk guy looed at it for 5 mins and said to swap it! So they are exchanging it for a new one :smile:
Hmmm....hoping somebody can help me out here. I just happened to notice tonight on my drive home that when I let off the accelerator I can hear a kind of scrrrrrrrr, it is noticeable but not really loud or anything, I haven't noticed it before. It sounds like a TV that isn't tuned in that sort of fuzzy sound and I can hear it faintly when I let off the accelerator. When I press the clutch in the noise disappears even when free wheeling and when the clutch is engaged again the noise appears back.

Is this normal? Am I imagining things or worrying about nothing? I have only had the car 2 months now and it has 8 months warranty left, clio 200 with 14k on the clock.

Would appreciate some input from anyone that has had troubles, did you notice the same thing etc or is this normal? It doesn't sound normal to me.... :worried:
Again this morning, notice this more at revs of 3k or higher really, I don't know if I am just hearing the workings of the gearbox at higher revs or if I should be worried? Anyone else noticed the same thing?
Again this morning, notice this more at revs of 3k or higher really, I don't know if I am just hearing the workings of the gearbox at higher revs or if I should be worried? Anyone else noticed the same thing?

if worried then go to the dealers....you cannot really diagnose a "noise" over the internet - could be all manner of things - if reported to the dealer and they say its ok and then a few months later it goes "bang" then at least you have some come back on renault uk...
I don't know if I am just hearing the workings of the gearbox at higher revs or if I should be worried? Anyone else noticed the same thing?

I get this after letting off the throttle too, only it's when the engine's over 5000 rpm. I too think it's the gearbox - mine was rebuilt with new synchros so I too hope it isn't the sound of impending doom!
Yeah I generally only hear it at maybe 4k or 5k rpm or above, just curious if it is normal and that I am just hearing the gearbox "working". Would be interested to know if anyone else notices this too...I will get it to Renault soon regardless but just want to get an idea about it first so I don't get fobbed off or anything.
UR 197 Cup


In the past week i've noticed an issue when changing down from 5th to 4th.. After reading this thread i now know what the root cause is .... a poorly designed gearbox....

Issue is , i have is i only bought the car in april 2012 and to date its only done 31k. Its a 58 plate so out of warranty. Reading the thread i can see that a few people are in a similar circumstance to myself and have successfully managed to get a discount on the repair by a renault dealer.

My question is what's the best (most successful) course of action to get this replaced & is the replacement likely to be any more reliable?

I live in the Glasgow area so wondering if anyone else local has had the same predicament.
Ring Renault UK and quote as much information about this thread as possible, explain that you know of several instances of faulty boxes that have been replaced outside of warranty with assistance/contribution from RUK.
You will need to get it to a dealer to officially diagnose the 'fault', I managed to get RUK to pay for this diagnosis and then the dealer in Cardiff liaised directly with my incident manager who was very helpful. My car had 22k on it and was 3 months out of warranty - I got 95% contribution from RUK and the dealer who i use regularly chipped in another 2.5%. I did stick to my guns following offers of 50%, 75% and 80% contribution and eventually got a new box and clutch fitted for £53 :smile:.

It may pay for you to set up an account on the renaultsport forum and highlight your issue there as RUK use that forum.

Good luck and dont be fobbed off - they wont admit its a common fault but keep telling them that it is and that both this forum and cliosport have several incidents detailing it.
thanks for the advice rja_cup.

I've booked it in to Arnold Clark now for a diagnostics on it and then ill take from there... not sure ill get to the successful result that you got but ill give it ago.

Is very worrying though how this is affecting so many cars... looks like Renault really cut corners on the development testing of this model.
Mines is a 60 plate done over 18k miles.. Currently in garage getting a new gear box as everytime I changed to go into 3rd it would crunch.. Any other gear was fine.. Still under warranty.
thanks for the advice rja_cup.

I've booked it in to Arnold Clark now for a diagnostics on it and then ill take from there... not sure ill get to the successful result that you got but ill give it ago.

Is very worrying though how this is affecting so many cars... looks like Renault really cut corners on the development testing of this model.

Tubs - stick to your guns and be insistent that what ever offer they give isnt enough. I did threaten the famous welsh consumer television programme 'the ferret'as well. :smile:
I've booked it in to Arnold Clark now for a diagnostics on it and then ill take from there... not sure ill get to the successful result that you got but ill give it ago.

Have you advised Renault UK Customer Services? Each case is different so although the gearbox is a common issue on this forum, RUK will assess your case individually. However, I have found their customer service to be exceptional.
Well, mine currently looks like this...


But the gearbox itself is fit as a fiddle and still isn't crunching, looks like I got the strongest one they ever made!!! :smiley:
Here we go. Few weeks ago I noticed a crunch going from 5th back to 4th.
I knew immediately I was going to join the club of the 'bad gearboxes'.
Went to the dealer with some print-outs from this forum and let him drive the 200. He couldn't ignore the crunch so an appointment was made: today. In the mean time, going from 3th into 4th usually ends up in a crunch too.

So, car booked in, warranty expired July 2012. 57000 km on the clock. The dealer stated that 'cause the warrenty had expired, I'm looking at a reparation instead of a new box. They did however promise to get in touch with Renault Belgium and ask for a contribution.

I'll keep you informed.
Great... Mine has the same issue when going into third. Mines a 57 plate with around 50k on the clock. I got the car from a none renault garage, but did get an extended 3 year warrenty on it. Hopefully this is covered! Ill check tonight.
16-09-2011, 22:36
15,800 miles
58 (2008 )
Second gearbox, original one was replaced at 14,000 miles due to it crunching into 3rd gear over 3,500RPM November last year.

Just thought I would give an update, I now have the reverse. I have been experiencing a crunch into 3rd only when the car is cold this time, but in my mind it should not be crunching at all anyway!

Only done 17,500 miles so only 1,700 miles since it was replaced :chair:

Now doing around 600 miles a month so only time will tell if the box has eating its self again, might do a another gearbox oil change and look for swarf but no chance of having it replaced this time so will have to live with it.
Here we go. Few weeks ago I noticed a crunch going from 5th back to 4th.
I knew immediately I was going to join the club of the 'bad gearboxes'.
Went to the dealer with some print-outs from this forum and let him drive the 200. He couldn't ignore the crunch so an appointment was made: today. In the mean time, going from 3th into 4th usually ends up in a crunch too.

So, car booked in, warranty expired July 2012. 57000 km on the clock. The dealer stated that 'cause the warrenty had expired, I'm looking at a reparation instead of a new box. They did however promise to get in touch with Renault Belgium and ask for a contribution.

I'll keep you informed.

OK, 200 is back from yesterday. Gearbox was repaired, Renault Belgium contributed 70% of the costs. I'm happy! Since they were at it, I asked to replace the spark plugs as well [this latter on my expense off course]. Don't know 'bout the UK but here in Belgium you need to pay for 'disposal of waste' [environmental tax]; which is only a few Euro's but even on that amount 70% was payed by Renault. :jase2:

Almost forgot, payed 445 Euro [this is including the spark plugs].
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