Has your gearbox been replaced? Yes or no?

Have you had the gearbox in your 197 / 200 replaced?

  • No - I'm still running the original gearbox

    Votes: 422 72.9%
  • Yes - I'm running a replacement gearbox

    Votes: 157 27.1%

  • Total voters
Can I ask those who had their gearbox replaced by Renault, did they replace the clutch at the same time? If so did they just do it anyway or did you ask? Anyone ask them to do it and get denied?
Can I ask those who had their gearbox replaced by Renault, did they replace the clutch at the same time? If so did they just do it anyway or did you ask? Anyone ask them to do it and get denied?

Just replaced gearbox.. They wont do it unless u ask or they ask u!! As it is something that wouldnt be covered by warranty!
Just replaced gearbox.. They wont do it unless u ask or they ask u!! As it is something that wouldnt be covered by warranty!

Ah ok cheers.

Well I guess I know what the answer will be when I ask them if they'll do the clutch when I speak to them tomorrow.

It's just I'd hate to have to fork out over a grand to do a clutch if it went in a few months.
Ah ok cheers.

Well I guess I know what the answer will be when I ask them if they'll do the clutch when I speak to them tomorrow.

It's just I'd hate to have to fork out over a grand to do a clutch if it went in a few months.

Yer i know what u mean! When it goes in 2mo just ask them to check the clutch while the gearbox is out! Takes two seconds!
No wonder renault are on the verge of going broke! you'd think building a sports car that you claim is track ready would have a sorted gearbox that should outlast the car!

Reading all this makes me really worried, my car is clicking as it goes into second, is there some sort of after market gearbox option or treatment that anybody knows of?
I am just wondering why anyone in the uk dont provide synchro change service for these boxes. Basically you take box off and send via courier, then he renews syncros and new gaskets and return box to you... ?
I am just wondering why anyone in the uk dont provide synchro change service for these boxes. Basically you take box off and send via courier, then he renews syncros and new gaskets and return box to you... ?

That would be a good idea! Uprated synchros!
When they recondition a box it is only the outer casing that is reused I was told.

Everything else is new.
When they recondition a box it is only the outer casing that is reused I was told.

Everything else is new.

Yer most likely have all new parts but i think they are using same synchros! Not modified ones, so i will assume they'll have same problem!
No, 1,2,3 were new ones under the revised box on the 197 iirc.

Then the others revised at a later date so they are all one piece.

As far as I'm aware anyway.
Can I ask those who had their gearbox replaced by Renault, did they replace the clutch at the same time? If so did they just do it anyway or did you ask? Anyone ask them to do it and get denied?

This annoys me about renault.

If you walked into a renault garage and said, i think i need a new gearbox, can you get me one and fit it please? they'd recomend you put a new clutch in at the same time and charge you for it.

But not if having warrenty work done.

If i went into renault and said i have a leaking rear damper, could you order me one and fit it next week, they'd recomend you changed the pair as 'they wear together' but when i had a leaking one and it was replaced under warrenty, they just changed one of them.
Yeah I know. They would only change one spring when one of the front ones broke.

Are you going to replace the other shock yourself?
Bought my 200 second hand about a month or so ago from a Motorline Renault. Its a 59 plate and I think the 3rd 'synchro' is going as when i shift from 2nd to 3rd or 4th to 3rd there is a crunch. Im obviously out of warranty... And i really cant afford £2000 to replace a gearbox. Whats my action plan :worried:
Bought my 200 second hand about a month or so ago from a Motorline Renault. Its a 59 plate and I think the 3rd 'synchro' is going as when i shift from 2nd to 3rd or 4th to 3rd there is a crunch. Im obviously out of warranty... And i really cant afford £2000 to replace a gearbox. Whats my action plan :worried:

Where'd you get £2000 from? It probably wouldnt be cheap but that seems a bit excessive.