Extra Stripey Gordini - Recaro pics added

Looks great Simon !

Mortified = no. It's a full time job keeping a car clean with the road grime right now. I share everyone's pain....

So.....you still hunting / searching / buying bits for THE conversion ?
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18's make it look more purposeful too IMO. The classic roller-skate pocket-rocket.

Sometimes i do look at mine and think my 17's really need to 'grow up' :smile:
Ssshhh... Say it quietly mate... Got to be careful talking about 18s. Some think they are evil and ruin the handling of the car, are too heavy, etc. Personally, I think the car is great on them :smile:
Ssshhh... Say it quietly mate... Got to be careful talking about 18s. Some think they are evil and ruin the handling of the car, are too heavy, etc. Personally, I think the car is great on them :smile:

Unfair for me to comment, as i tainted Renaults best efforts by merely 'uprating' my springs...... :smile:
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That looks great side-on, the wheels fill the arches perfectly and make it look really purposeful. It'll look even better when the front splitter is fitted. Darker door handles would finish that off a treat.
That looks great side-on, the wheels fill the arches perfectly and make it look really purposeful. It'll look even better when the front splitter is fitted. Darker door handles would finish that off a treat.
Thanks mate. Yes the door handles are bugging me a little. I think they need something but I can't decide how to do them...
I've heard they're difficult to get off? Is it a case of removing all the door card to get at the buggers?
Yeah bit of a pain to do! Could always do in situ - just take a while to mask up.

Simon - think a couple of gordini stripes on the fuel cap would look smart :wink:
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