Definitive Aerial Thread

Yes, that ruddy great sandbank doesn't do anything for radio signal! Lol!
The reception on my honda one is great...even though its not straight and has been the only part of the type-r that was touching the road at one point!!
Lmao at the wombourne comment, mine looks the same as roys reception wasn't good on standard radio.
My one is from the new shape polo. Have had no problems with it. In fact i think i get better reception than the standard renault one.
I have seen a shark fin style aerial on a Clio - I think it was down at Nationals, IMO it looked good! 8)
I got a cheapie halfords one (Ripspeed I think but it just has RS on it as a logo)
good signal and short but can be lengthened if your out in the sticks and signal sucks. Not had to do that yet. I've also managed to collect 2 standard aeriels in my boot, my ones at home so no clue where they have come from.