Reyt then.
It’s Sunday and I’m sat at home avoiding my family who are for Sunday lunch time for a bit of write up me thinks.
Croft was a bit of a different trackday to what I’m usually used to as I’m either with friends who are driving or on my Todd. But as we have family over from Aus currently (hence why I’m hiding) I had my uncle with me who I can firmly say is “one of us”.
So we arrived, signed on, un packed and changed wheels over. Decided that today I was going to run the AD08R’s that came on the the wheels I impulse bought a few months ago for £150. Reason being twofold. I’m a tight Yorkshireman and it felt criminal that these wheels had never been used by me. And I wanted to have one last run on AD08R’s.
Excuse no. 1 these tyres were dead at the start of the day so I wasn’t expecting much but they seem to come back in after a couple of sessions and went from being rather slidey to being the grippy bois that I remember. In hindsight I wish I’d ran the MRF’s but hey ho got to kill one of the last remaining sets of my favourite tyres ever.
So session one came and went just “feeling out” the track as I’d never been to Croft before.
Came back in to see my uncle grinning ear to ear. Turns out he’d been making friends in the paddock and found great joy in watching the 2 Cayman Gt4 race cars going round at full chat.
It was around this time we had the Cup car that I’ve mentioned in previous post turn up. As the as the car unloaded I recognised that it was a team hard car but didn’t think anything more of it until we got talking to them and they explained that they were getting some track familiarisation in for BTCC in couple of weeks. Turns out the driver is called Daryl Deleon and drives for team hard in the BTCC despite only being 17!
After this had a few more sessions steadily improving but constantly wishing for more grip and an lsd. But I started finding enjoyment in ringing the neck of a car on shabba tyres. Kind of reminded me of driving a wet day. As mentioned above the tyres did come back in and I started feeling a lot more comfortable and got quicker.
Starting to feel more confident in my driving ability and starting to allow myself to have a “play” with more cars in track rather than just letting people though
Here’s some photos of the day.
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The was not without issue though as in the final session of the day I had a brake failure going into sunny in. This was after going balls deep through Barcroft. Hard braking to the pedal going to the floor. I know there and then soemthing had gone pop. Thankfully I managed to get the car slowed and rolled off of the track and rolled back through the paddock. Clearly that was the end of the day. Changed the wheels over and let things cool. Made a decision and we magically made it home with the clio intact but the weirdest ever happened. The hand brake cables seems to have stretched. How strange.
Anyway. I need some new braided lines. Going to get those ordered now and sorted asap. If by chance someone has a set near South Yorkshire they’re looking to get rid of. I’m your man.