So what feels like an age since Cadwell here's a little write up of the day.
So what are the the big changes to car since the last time out at Blyton? Simply put there are no big changes of note to the car. The only minor thing done was adjusting the settings on the shocks of the rear of the car.
Cadwell Park - 14-06-2024.
In what seems to be a recurring theme for trackdays in 2024 I had mixed feelings towards the day; primarily due to the weather as it was forecast to be a washout with this changing towards the day of the event to be a rainy day with sun inbetween. I set off to Cadwell at 6am thinking that I was going to be in for another wasted day here. As I have never really been able to drive the track in the dry. I have visited the track a total of 5 times now for the purpose of driving it; once was a track evening where I was too worried to enjoy it properly or even get a proper session in (this was way back in 2019 when I had first gotten my R53), Been rained out once, been snowed on once and had my car blow up on me once.
Arriving at the track I met up with my friend Stu who tracks a very nice NC MX5 with some rather trick suspension bits. I got about unloading the car and helping set up the race tent for the day. Once this was done with the sky looking tempestuous I decided to leave the michi's on and head for sighting laps. It was at this point I employed my skills as a member of Sauber's pit crew and changed over to the MRF's.
The change in tyres proved to be the right call as it stayed dry all day. Had a few sessions out on track and came away wanting more. As I feel I have a lot to learn at Cadwell to get where I want to be at to be happy with my driving there. I really managed to build my confidence throughout the day focusing on coppice. I managed to get to the point where I was only having a minor comfort lift under the bridge before turning in and then managing the car on the throttle all the way around onto park straight. Following on I got to the point where I was able to brake at 50m board at the end of park and before going round charlies and then through goose neck in fourth.
Had a really good battle with another 197 that was on track too for a few laps. and seemed to be able to keep with him for a good 20 miunutes until we had a terrontial downpour that made the track like driving on ice. Had a calm down in the paddock after this as it was only a quick rainstorm and called it lunch.
After lunch I set about again building confidence and speed up again on track only to have a big chunk of it knocked as I ran wide turning into park. I was following Sut and panicked as I was worried I was going to rear end him, the car stepped out but I kept power on and got it back but it ultimatley led me to go grass tracking at 80 plus! Called that a sessions and checked over the car. Thankfully there was no damage.
After this I think I had 2/3 more sessions getting to back where I was in the morning pace wise and confidence wise. The one thing that the concerns me in a way is that I ma not having to brake to go into hall bends. Im entering just over sixty iirc and just lift before going in. What speed are people entering hear at and what gear / speed are people doing over the mountain. The car has a 200 box for reference ratio wise for comparison. As I was bogging down in third but second was too slow.
The main takeaways from the day were this - pull my finger out and get the diff fitted and the car needs more power. I don't know whether it was a mix of the stuff that was there but I got fed up being passed due to power by a few things! I want to go Porsche GT hunting ahah. Maybe driver mod might be needed for that bit though!
So plans for the next day are:
- fit 4-2-1 mani
- fit decat
- get car mapped
- maybe fit diff (I'm really desperate to get this done but want to do it myself and want to be able to get some summer track time!)
- more cadwell seat time
- bigger balls
- tuition
Here are some photos of the day:

Let this guy passed managed to keep with him through Hall bend till he sodded off down the pit straight !
In none clio or cadwell related news. I spent the past week in Germany working but managed to get some time to go see the Porsche Museum!
Final not beofr singing this off. I don't have any more days booked for the rest of year as of yet. Does anyone have anything booked that isn't the ring?