Bring back National Service!!!


Platinum Member
I have decided this country needs national service again!

Just watching "The Worlds' Strictest Parents" and those two utter CHAVS on there need to be SHOT!

And after watching (and getting tearful) at "Teenage meets Old Age", it really shows how utterly disgraceful this country is!!!

BRING BACK national service!

Bit of military discipline- good for the soul...what was that programme- Bad Boys? where they brought back National Service conditions ...worked on most of them..
Personally I can't think of anything worse than teaching the scum of this country how to shoot properly!

I think having a punishment rather than a 5* hotel for a prison would be a step in the right direction and save some of the money the country is lacking!
That what gem has just been watching, a 17 year old bird? While I agree national service would do a lot of little sh**s good, you still would :wink:
I agree with this! Or atleast bring it back to the little ****s.

Im actually thinking of joining the RAF/Army atm as I think it would be good to actually do something useful with myself, rather than have some **** dead end job.
the problem lies with the parents.
unfortunatly it's probably too late for this new generation of benefit claiming socially inept kids to be changed, but i would chemically castrate them to prevent this peretuation of scroungers and layabouts. the benfits to the economy are huge, more council houses available, less benefits, classroom spaces for thoes who want an education and who want to provide an input into society. less yobs on the streets.
the only people who will loose out are Burberry and White lightning Cider.