simple lifestyle and job change has caused this .
It used to be great when i brought it , the job i had made the commute bearable as it was not far at all . We also had 2 other cars which meant i could pick and choose when i use it .
Then i moved role for promotion again and now do a 1hr each way commute mix of mostly a roads some dual carriage way and some town driving its hell . Its tiresome to drive lacks power for overtakes on the A roads - lorries , tractors that type of thing .
Now im moving role for another promotion and he commute is to canary wharf which means the car will be sat on the drive and i wont have to use it some days as train is far more effective way to get into central london however others the commute will be 3-4 hours each way to manchester or sunderland so i guess for me in the old role and as i move into the new one a comfy fast cruiser would be ideal , ala 335d saloon ? also looks a tad more grown up

IMO of course .
however i will say the way the car was at the ring could i make the trip to the ring a few more times a year 4-5 as i hope to in 2013 then maybe just maybe it will all be worth it as over there the car just made sense .
Hope this goes some way to explaining my self confessed up and down relationship with the car .
As for the up and down relationship with certain tuners id rather not go into it all .