I thought that myself but you can definitely see negative amber and toe in. It may well be that they are standard settings and being able to see them is amplified due to the car being lower.
I love your car mate, I'd love your airbox but I don't know how to move and mount the coolant bottle
I'll try and get a picture that shows off the camber and toe.
Good morning:coffee:
This is my friend witch i've sold my r3maxi airbox.. he move the coolant bottle more simple of mine..:clap:
-the first piece of rubber tube (inserted in the radiator) is the original (so you don't need to change it)
-then there is a short metal tube for join the first tube with the second
-and finally there is a rubber tube that connect the short metal tube to the tank.
on the other side there is a simple rubber tube for connect directly the tank to the radiator..
our problem in italy (not only italy), is that we need to move also the brake fluid tank..hmy: