Search results

  1. Sean197

    Power tool recommendations please

    As per the title, I'm looking for power tool recommendations, specifically an impact gun but any other useful tool recommendationsare welcome. It has to be powerful enough to do most jobs, including obviously wheel nut removal but ideally something than can remove droplinks etc. Cordless or...
  2. Sean197

    Sean's Red 200

    So, 4 years after the heartbreak of my old meglio 197- - I'm finally back in a Clio. I began looking for another towards the end of last year, and very nearly bought a storm grey 200 which is on here (forget the guy's name). After that fell...
  3. Sean197

    If anyone on here....

    ...drives wearing a hoodie with the hood up, let me know so I can issue you with a permanent ban as you're clearly a c¥nt. Wtf. That is all. Sean
  4. Sean197

    Photoshop please

    @///M you're by far the best on photoshop on here! Would you mind 'shopping the following with red wheels, black badges, and black doorhandles please? Cheers!
  5. Sean197

    smileys not working

    @Chris @Jimmy Just noticed a few of the smileys aren't working - :drunk::excited::ninja::topic::search::shocked: We're also missing a Scotland Flag smiley ;) :sean::uk::french:
  6. Sean197

    I need help from all of you please!

    Good morning people! I'm writing a dissertation for Uni (in Social Anthropology) on the concept of online 'imagined communities' - - and whether they can be considered to be true communities in the same way a 'real-life' community can. I've...
  7. Sean197

    help removing driveshafts please!

    Right, I'm stripping the hubs to remove the shafts and am currently at this point: How the hell do you get the bottom ball joint off on the outer hub? Or is there an easier way to remove the hub? @A1axx @tombate911 @Foxspeed Cheers
  8. Sean197

    My Albi is dead :(

    Not great news :worried: Absoultley gutted to report that, at around 3pm today whilst driving home from work, I lost control on a greasy back road on a left-hand bend. The car understeered and as I lifted off the front gripped and the back slid. I steered into the slide when suddenly all 4...
  9. Sean197

    Auto Finesse at EuroCarParts - 30%-off code

    Just got an email from ECP, they have just started stocking Auto Finesse products. Use the code SAVE30 to get 30% off all Auto Finesse products until midnight tonight.
  10. Sean197

    Cup racer pads?

    Does anyone know definitively what front pads the 197 and 200 cup racers use? I've read a few places which day ferodo and another few which seem to suggest they use performance friction? @tombate911 ? Cheers
  11. Sean197

    Tyre shine recommendations please

    I'm coming to the end of both my bottles of Meguiars Endurance tyre gel and Autoglym tyre dressing. Before I order a new bottle of the Meguiars, I'd like some recommendations. So, what are you guys using and what do you think of it? Cheers
  12. Sean197

    Attn. all Photobucket users

    Thought I'd post this up since I'd seen a few discussions in threads regarding this. You may not be aware that Photobucket has recently suspended all third-party image hosting as a free service, and is now seeking $399 from users who wish to continue using its service to host images on...
  13. Sean197

    non-Clio Spa pics

    My non-Clio pics from Spa last week:
  14. Sean197

    Hey Kev

    @nutnutwelshman Under an hour til track time #pissingmypantswithexcitement
  15. Sean197

    I love this 220! Colour is amazing, and it looks hard as nails. Yes please.
  16. Sean197

    CL10 JON

    @Johnny 99 Saw your 200 at Rentec today. Looked great, leather Recaros are gorgeous!
  17. Sean197

    Why are there no Clios like this?

    :think: At least the manifolds would be easier to repair... Gotta love those mental Japanese LOL
  18. Sean197

    Post your favourite songs, and your guilty pleasures!

    OK I need something to listen to at work. So, post 3 songs (with youtube links preferably, but not essential); 1. Your favourite song from your favourite band 2. Your favourite song from a band other than your favourite band 3. One guilty pleasure! 1. Oasis - Supersonic 2. Stone Roses - I...
  19. Sean197

    Chinese go pro cams

    Has anyone had any experience with these? Looking into a cheap one for track days and go karting etc. and came across this From what I've read basically the plastic exterior is the cheap bit but the actual internals are Sony, Panasonic etc. Cheers
  20. Sean197

    Retro-fitting optional satnav to 197

    How hard would it be to retro-fit the optional satnav to a 197? Does the wiring exist already or would you need the entire wiring loom? I was looking at this and it got me thinking -...