Bye 200, hello 265 Trophy (6/50)

3 Days to go bet you can not wait Hope you enjoy it as much as Me

Cant wait haha! Need a time machine so i can fast forward to Friday!

Atleast i get a nice drive back from Oxford in it too :smile: Get a good feel for it etc.

So far from the test drive it feels similar to the clio but a load more power. Fun factor still seems there, i spent the test drive with a smile on my face
Every time I walk towards the car it makes me smile still

I used to get that from the clio but just lost the feel for it, dont look back at it after i park, dont enjoy driving it as much any more and ive not even been bothered about cleaning it in the last 2 or 3 you know usually you would NEVER see my car dirty.

Be nice to get it all back again once im in the meg :smile:

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