Why can't idiots learn to park/drive properly!


Cuckmeister General
Platinum Member
Absolutely seething to find this on my pride and joy! I'm what I would could a defensive parker, and try and leave my motor well away from civilisation (much to the annoyance of the other half!) however, there's only so much you can try to park away from the loonies!

Just cleaned her down after it was caked in mud to find this glorious mark on my vehicle!
Fortunately (despite the tiniest dent on the arch) it'll polish out which my cousin will help me out with next week!

Time to bring the blood pressure down from a very stressful few hours! ff4547605a622534ba6c09aaf73bba0f.jpg

So sorry to hear this, Ross :worried: there are some proper idiots on the road, and especially when it comes to parking! Thankfully you can get it sorted, but I understand it's the principle of it all! You shouldn't have to deal with the retardedness of some people!
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There were quite a few expletives being thrown when I saw it, looked horrific on first inspection...

I'm getting it polished out a week tomorrow, as well as doing spark plugs / oil change as that's due!

I'll get someone like dent devils to look at the tiny dent it's left! It's just the aggravation of it all, makes me just want to wrap it in cotton wool and put it in storage!
People are generally arseholes (excluding everyone on this forum :smile:) and seem to have no respect for the property of others, or the ability to drive a car without crashing it. When I finally get around to getting mine in mint condition, i'll definitely be getting a shed as a daily driver.
Gutted Ross. If you need any help let me know, I have a DA machine polisher, be more than happy to give you a hand!
That's gutting Ross, the good news is that most will polish out with the exception of the small ding which you will need to get pushed back out. I park like you but the number of times I've got back to my car to have someone parked right next to me with a cigarette paper's width between them, even in a nearly empty car park. Infuriates me! Even in my work car park someone hit one of my cars years ago and didn't fess up. I must have had 5 or 6 cars hit by others while parked and they've just driven off. Most people are complete tossers!
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I know how i'd feel if i came back to find this Ross. Not nice for you at all. Sorry to see :-(

Touch-wood it all comes out ok for you......
Thanking you all, the forum has helped me vent my frustrations!

I'm a lot calmer about the situation now I know that the damage isn't permanent and can be put right!

Thanks @Chris91, I'll bare that in mind, hoping my cousin will get it sorted for me! I'll post the results of his work once done!

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Sorry to see this, horrible when this happens :worried:

At least as you've said it looks worse than it is and should hopefully polish out completely!
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I'm raging for you mate. I'm the same as you, pick my parking spots carefully even if it means longer to walk. People have no respect at all!
I'm raging for you mate. I'm the same as you, pick my parking spots carefully even if it means longer to walk. People have no respect at all!

Very frustrating! When you dedicate such time and money maintaining your car for someone to then be careless around it's just annoying! I'm lucky in this case, just feels embarrassing driving around with it for a week!
Very annoying! a note would not have gone a miss!!! hopefully will be good as new after a polish!

I drove back through every noticable puddle on the way back from my parents last night to hide the damage! its caked in mud again now so its all good! Roll on Saturday!

A note wouldn't have gone a miss, but my friend made a valid point of who carries pen and paper around with them these days! I thought he had a point haha!
Oh man gutted for you - if it's any consolation it's happened to me so many times i've literally lost count, I'm considering fitting an electrically charged wire around mine.
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Oh man gutted for you - if it's any consolation it's happened to me so may times i've literally lost count, I'm considering fitting an electrically charged wire around mine.

Sounds like we both had a bit of a rough week with cars! I've taken to the staff car park to see if anyone has a nice tint of yellow in their front bumper! An electric forcefield would certainly do the job!
A note wouldn't have gone a miss, but my friend made a valid point of who carries pen and paper around with them these days! I thought he had a point haha!

Well he does have a point, however if someone actually used that as an excuse to not owning up, it's a pretty flimsy one! If someone wanted to own up, they would have found a way. Obviously just a complete scumbag!
I've had a sleep and calmed down from yesterday, this forum was very cathartic for venting my frustrations!

Waiting to hear on a quote from dent devils for the wheel arch, other than that I'll update on Saturday once the paintworks been sorted!
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I think your exactly right, it's the location. I'm not overly familiar with that area but presumably you can't get in behind it as there's a double skin there :worried: Sorry for you...
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