When is fast..fast enough?

Simply question, when is fast, fast enough? Clio's a fast car isn't it? I fit a supercharger to a BMW 330ci, and within 2 weeks, I thought the supercharger wasn't working cause I'd got use to the extra 80bhp!!!!

Chasing extra power can be a complete head f**k. The only time it stops is when something major goes bang!!!! and even then it will still need some therapy....
Fast and dangerous = fun type of fast.

You only get excitement from the risk when driving like a tit.
tortoise n the hare
but i agree fast is never fast enough
130 i shiiiit me self lol;/
Get a bike and then you can go reaaally fast and dangerous lol.

I think the Clio is fast enough as a road car. 90% of the time i'm no where near the limits of the Clio anyway on the road.
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^^^ Agreed. Sudden decelleration is a bitch. Nobody ever died as a result of travelling at 150MPH. :smiley:

I think ''fast'' is a personal thing. Everybody has different tollerances or fear of speed, forces etc.. I think the point at which you start to get frightened or the point where you begin to feel uncomfortable is the point where you've reached your personal limit. That's not the point at which you feel the adrenaline start pumping, that's not fear that's excitement, the most natural buzz there is.

Once you start thinking ''Oh sh!t, if something goes wrong now I'm in trouble'' then you've reached your threshold. For some people that might be 75MPH (like my mum), for others it might be 200MPH, for the extreme amongst us it might not kick in until we're hurtling towards the earth from 15,000Ft with a parachute on our backs.

The ferocity in which you accelerate or corner is the same, some people are happy pushing their car/bike/plane to the limits of what it can do and what they themselves can do where as others either don't want to know where the limit is, find the limit once and don't go back, or as morbid as it sounds - find the limit, go over the limit and don't have the chance to reach it again.
hmmm - 450 bhp is a nice "fast" - any more and things become very expensive, my old Evo 9 cost *alot* of money in the couple of years i was building it, and when it was 620bhp sure it was quick, but broke alot and cost lots in replacing worn parts (brakes, gearboxes...).

Sensible head on and as such running the Clio for a couple of years, it feels alittle slow in comparison but its a cheeky little thing so i think we'll spending some good times together :smiley:

Vid of the Evo spinning if anyones interested.... http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-0oJ2wQiu2Y ;/
Best way to test your limits is buy an unfaired motorbike and test out the top speed.

I could sit at 130 in the Clio all day but do the same on a bike as above and it starts to feel a bit hairy.

@RichW: watched that vid several times now and I still get that feeling of puckering up, I presume your seat/pants needed burning after? =p
Bloody hell Rich, lucky man to walk away from that spin

I think the clio is about right for the road, bit more straight line speed would be nice but generally it's pretty good
Rich, bloody heck! I probably woulda soiled myself!

But i think the Clio is fast enough just now on the low down power. If the Clio had better fuel consumption and more low down torque, it would be my hero.
lol - it certainly was scary :clap:

I was so relieved afterwards, as you can tell :innocent:

Whats annoying is the Evo did more to the gallon than the Clio - now that is wrong!
the faster i go on my ninja the more comfortable i become, 176 flat out doesnt bother me at all till you break hard very hard to get back through the toll booth to do your next 13miles of fun :smile:
I think the Clio's are fast enough for a road going hot hatch. On the rare occasions that mine goes out it regularly does 100 but rarely over that.

I'd love to own a Mk2 Focus RS too and having been a passenger in one on a series of bypasses they can be made to go scary fast if you want them to - what a car!
i'll have to agree and say that as an everyday car the clio is enough.

RichW, i got a sweat on just watching that, i thought it was gonna flip when it headed for the grass.
Rich, that video is very well known, is that you!?!

I remember seeing that about 2/3 years ago, loving the Top Gun tunes. :smiley: