What did you do as Sport before you had too work

Wow, who'd have thought we have so many talented members :smiley:

I've never been good on focusing on one thing at a time, so at School I just played around with pretty much any sport. Always pretty good at badminton and racquet sports. I still play a bit of squash but nothing serious.

I did Karate for about 4 years and the odd bit of boxing in the end, but as I got later in to my teens I didn't have the time and my parent's weren't interested in paying for me to go, and I was busy spending my money on booze :smiley:

I have to say I wouldn't mind giving Judo a go though, I like watching it and I watched damn near every match in the last olympics, it looks like a really interesting sport. I just wouldn't be able to invest the time in it to get good with my current work commitments though which I think would frustrate me. Something for the future maybe...