Just make sure I get on the couch before Jonsey as things could get messy with him. Lol
Don't worry, they've drafted in some Math Experts to help make sense of the inevitable stream of numbers that they're expecting him to burst forth with after his meds kick in. There's a certain degree of interest in this subject from the medical team after outrageous cries of ''ONE MEEEEELION HORESPOWERS!!!'' were heard coming from the Harefield area late one night last week. At first people thought it was some kind of Werewolf but further investigation revealed it was the lesser-spotted Jonesy...
Some say he's a mathematical prodigy, others say he's just determined not to be beaten by the man he refers to only as ''MIKE!!!''.
Hi... I'm Tom, and I'm a modoholic.... :nope:
Very big of you to come forward Tom, the first step of non-curing is admitting you have a problem.
I want to put some new bits on that (Interior parts, spoiler etc). Its just neverending.
N0ddie, I fear you'll be beyond reasonable help as this program isn't designed to deal with people who own multiple Renaultsports. I'm going to speak to my contacts and see if they can get Rev.A2ON to come in and see if he can give you a little talk about why one simply does not buy parts, but develops them instead... There's a slim chance that his theories may make you see the error of your ways and make you baulk when you start thinking about development costs after you decide that buying parts isn't really for you afterall. But, there is also a chance that you'll take his message the wrong way and it'll actually inspire you to build and develop parts rather than just buy them.
For the sake of yourself and your family, I suggest that in the meantime you give your debit and credit cards to somebody sensible. Like Dr.Roy or Prof.Giles...
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