I agree, there is a dual carriage way near me that often has one lane shut due to road works.
They place massive signs saying "use both lanes" and "merge in turn" but the sheep decide to leave the outside leave empty for 2 miles and all get into one lane leaving a massive tail back.
What infuriates me about this is I either get dirty looks from other drivers because In their eyes I'm jumping the extended queue that they have caused or even worse you get the knobhead who straddles both lanes 1 mile from the cones in the belief he's doing a good public service by stopping people going past.
If everyone used both lanes then used the zip method traffic flow would be maintained
I adopt a halfway house approach. I normally merge near the end but not at the very end. The best way is to look for a car that is almost certainly driven by a woman as they are more likely to feel intimated into letting you in.